Healthy Living

Wanted: Guest Posts for 2013

guest-blogging1-300x200Thanks for stopping by my site. I am always looking for good quality guest posts and 2013 will be no different. Here are some topics I would like to cover in 2013.

  • Kids Crafts
  • DIY Projects
  • Green Living
  • Recipes (healthy preferred)
  • Diet and Exercise
  • Really anything family/mom/kids related

If you are a blogger and just want to write about one of these topics I would love to give you lots of link love so you can include any social media networks you have in the post.

I do offer free spots for guest posts throughout the month but I do also offer a premium services if you need something pushed through right away. We can even write for you if you have a link that fits these categories.

We value our guest posted and appreciate all the content you gave us in 2012!


Karla Urwitz
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