Going green doesn’t have to be difficult. There are several simple and easy ways that you can change today. One quick and easy way is
Read MoreReducing your impact on the environment is easily started in your own backyard. You can follow a few simple tips to make eco-friendly changes to
Read MoreI have just been fabricated by these month box subscriptions. I don't know why just recently they have come to my attention. I think my
Read MoreOh how I love finding new items for my kitchen. While I am not the chef in the family, I do love my gadgets. I
Read MoreEveryone needs a little funny in their life right?!? So why not display your sense of humor on your shirt. I would consider my husband
Read MoreI am not a cook by any stretch of the word. I have no patience for cooking and I hate the clean up after. The
Read MoreYeah I know.. Normally I post these on Monday but I just have been so swamped with life. So I am killing two birds with
Read MoreIn this day and age, many people are interested in learning new ways to help save the environment and decrease their carbon footprint. Some of
Read MoreI am always finding new way to live a greenier life. One thing that has been more of a constant than others is taking my
Read MoreNowadays, there is a large focus on making green decisions in your everyday life. Why? Well, there is a little thing called global warming for
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