
Sexy in 6 by Tracey Mallett

I found this book for a steal and knew it would be perfect for this weeks event. 

Sexy in 6 

Who is Tracey Mallet? Tracey Mallett has become an International Fitness Icon to millions of moms and working women across the world. During and after Tracey’s first pregnancy, she gained over 55 pounds causing her to place her then current career on an indefinite hold due to a complete lack of confidence in herself and her appearance. She knows first hand that it’s easy to lose sight of one’s identity and self-confidence with all of life’s daily stresses, and then what it takes to get back into shape, particularly after a pregnancy. Tracey has made it her mission to help motivate women to find their path to weight loss success and overall fitness with quick, simple and practical healthy solutions through sound nutrition and an easy to apply workout routine. I first learn of here through the Mamavation weight loss group on twitter. She is fantastic. 

Tracey has designed a fun, effective program that works for all body types and combines super-fast workouts and a Sexy in 6 diet plan. Split into 6-minute intervals that you can mix-and-match throughout the day, the plan uses a unique blend of Pilates, yoga, cardio, and strength training for head-to-toe toning. Sexy in 6 even includes exercises to make sex better! 

“Tracey serves up a no-nonsense approach to fitness that combines body-changing exercises, smart diet strategies, stick-with-it motivational tips and advice for a comprehensive routine that’s guaranteed to get results.”
—Alyssa Shaffer, Fitness Director, Fitness magazine and author of The A List Workout 

“Tracey’s plan is the PERFECT way to get a better body in minutes ….not hours!  Tracey motivates and makes you want to stick to your plan.”
—Leslie Sansone, author of Walking the Walk and creator, Walk at Home, Inc. 

 “As a busy single mom, this is the only workout routine that fits my schedule
and gets results!  I am convinced that Tracey Mallett can motivate, inspire and help anyone find her healthiest, sexiest self!”
—Jessica Denay, author of The Hot Moms Handbook and founder, Hot Moms Club 

RULES: A winner will be selected by This giveaway ends 7/7/10 at 11pm EST- US residents ONLY  


MANDATORY: You must go to Tracey Mallett’s webiste and tell me what other prodcuct you would like to have. 


Additional entries: Please add one comment per entry and include your email address. 

1. Sign up for my newsletter
2. Like Tracey Malletts Facebook page and leave a message on  facebook wall about this giveaway( 2 entries)
3. Follow @karlabond on twitter
4. Fan Bond With Karla on facebook 
5. Follow Tracey Mallett on twitter
6. Tweet the following- “I just entered the Pillows of Lavender giveaway from @karlabond ” Can tweet twice per day (copy and paste tweet link in your comment)

Karla Urwitz
Follow Me

33 thoughts on “Sexy in 6 by Tracey Mallett

  1. Hello! Given that I’ve put in a bit of time within the past hour or so browsing through your posts, I thought I would drop a short note in your guestbook to say hello there. nearly always astonished at the quality of writing that I can find on the web by hitting the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button on Google! Well that is just about all I need to say! Thank you and also nice to ‘meet’ you 🙂

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