
Toddler Temper Tantrums

Temper TantrumTemper tantrums are very real in my life right now.  My 2 1/2 year old son throws them everyday. We aren’t talking about about a little whining and crying. Oh no, these are throw yourself on the ground, flail around, cry and scream at the top of your lungs tantrums. It’s so bad that we rarely take him out to eat because I hate the scene he makes and the stares I get. It easier to just leave him with someone or not go at all but is this normal and healthy?

What is a tantrum? They are made up from 3 types of challenges.

A physical challenge may mean they are hungry or thirsty.

A mental challenge may mean they are having trouble doing something or leaning a task

Emotional challenges could be a range os things. Frustration, anger, sadness. These can really start the tantrum.

There are several things that are suggested to try to avoid them that we have tired:

Remain Consistent– We have a pretty good schedule in place I think. We try to make bed time the same, eating around the same time. I know routine is very important to have.

Praise– I am always telling my son I love him and praise him when he has done good.

Let them choose– I am always giving choices and let him pick what he wants. I hope that gives him the sense of control. I know when I get to choose for myself it’s a good to know I am getting what I really want.

I have been told to just ignore him when he throws these tantrum but can I tell you how annoying they get? If I walk into another room he just follows me as if I want to keep hearing him scream so high dogs can hear him.  Good news is that MOST outgrown tantrums by the age of 4. How lucky for me I only have a year and a half left of these. Do you have any style or techniques that have worked for you? Please share.

The Child Brain Health Research Institute has a fantastic tool to help parents teach their kids to be respectful and listen. 21 Days is all it takes. Let’s raise happy kids and be fantastic parents.

Reading This Book Has Completely Changed My Outlook On Parenting”

Using this formula has completely changed my outlook on parenting. I don’t feel the same intense pressure anymore to be this “super mom.” I’m not perfect but at least now I feel confident about how I treat my kids.
Melissa Silverman, Seattle, WA, Parent of Kendra 3, Jo 5
Give the Happy Healthy Child Guide a try today!

Karla Urwitz
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2 thoughts on “Toddler Temper Tantrums

  1. I can sympathize! I am going through the same thing right now and I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old that is already learning how to scream!

    It has been a challenging few months in our house with temper tantrums, potty training and working 2 businesses. But it can be done and it will all be worth it in the end with our well-adjusted kids.

    I try to give my daughter choices when I can, but sometimes I find that it causes her more frustration. I don’t know why though.

    Good luck with your son! I’ll be checking back to see your updates. 😀
    .-= Ivette Muller´s last blog ..Home Based Business Opportunity – Limited Time Offer (ends 5/31/10) =-.

  2. Karla,

    I struggle with this when I see it. Maybe I’m old fashion at age 46 but I do believe the Good Book. “Spare The Rod and Spoil The Child” I believe wholeheartedly that there is a difference between Spanking a child and beating a child. Child abuse is wrong, but spanking a child on the extra padding that God gave us is beneficial.

    I have raised 4 kids, 3 have Degrees from college and the 4th just Graduated. I never much had to spank them after they understood that what Mom and Dad said was important to them.

    I have 2 grandkids and 2 on the way. Both Grandkids are in their 2’s right now. I have yet to see a tantrum and have only tapped once on the diaper. We are a close family and they are shown affection very often. My grandson and I have bonded very well and go for Breakfast at least twice a week “just the two of us”

    Todays society seems to have a difference of opinion regarding correction of children. But it seems to me that raising kids in a loving home is very important and sometimes we don’t always get what we want.

    Have A Beautiful Day! Enjoy the “Terrific two’s” its the most important times in a child’s life.
    .-= Bill Hartman´s last blog ..Will the IPad Help You With Social Media =-.

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