
The Spy Game by JD Holiday Book Review and #Giveaway

The Spy Game Book Cover_edited-1 for posting 9-13-12We are a huge book family. Reading at bed time is a must for us. Having a variety of different books helps keep bed time exciting. I was thrilled to get the chance to review The Spy Game. I have been watching the TV show, Burn Notice, and Cooper calls it my spy show. So this helped relate to the book.

About the Book

Eddie would love to have a puppy to play with. A puppy would pull on a rope. Catch a ball and lick your face. But his Uncle brings Eddie an older dog named after a famous spy. What can you do with an old dog? It probably couldn’t learn new tricks and the only thing this dog did was stare. It’s what they find to do together that makes them the best of friends.

My Review

This book is full of color and characters your kids can relate to. That is very important in a children’s book. The one downside of this book is I felt I had to add a few words to help with explanation a bit more. I knew what JD was trying to say but a five year old want’s sure. We have read the book several more time since we received it. Now Cooper adds his own version of “spy” to the book from what he has seen from TV or learned from his friends.

Author Bio

J.D. Holiday is the author and illustrator of four children’s
books. Picture books: JANOOSE THE GOOSE, THE SPY GAME, and MATT Shelley’s
Halloween Misadventure with Award Winning author, Christy Condoleo, and the chapter book
for 6 to 8 year olds, THE GREAT SNOWBALL ESCAPADE & JD is a co-host on It’s Story
Time, Gather ‘Round with Christy Condoleo on Blog Talk Radio’d World Of Ink Network:
WOI Banner JD Holiday web

The Giveaway

One lucky reader will receive a copy of JD Holiday’s book The Spy Game. US Residents only, ends 2/5/13

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Karla Urwitz
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40 thoughts on “The Spy Game by JD Holiday Book Review and #Giveaway

  1. Thank you, Karla, for reviewing my book and have it on your blog.
    Glad you both like it!


  2. Thank you for reviewing, hosting a giveaway and sharing about JD Holiday’s book The Spy Game. Good luck to all those who enter. My girls love their copy.

  3. I’m with the majority:
    Thank you for the chance to win, it looks like a great book

  4. I found your giveaway on Tight Wad in Utah.I have 2 neices who love to read and be read to. They would love this book.Thank you for the great giveaway! 🙂

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