Living With Pain – A Simple, Heartfelt Guide
It is unfortunate that many people have to live with pain on a daily basis. This might be sourced from an injury, age-related diseases, a congenital issue, or sometimes, the effect of surgery and other temporary issues. Pain is the one thing that is quite hard to ignore or cope with, unlike many other consequences of ill health such as drowsiness.
Of course, our immediate advice is that if you’re encountering pain, you should speak to your physician as soon as possible, and apply all of their medical recommendations. You should also avoid listening to too much advice online, as sometimes this can give you pre-conceived notions that may not fall in line with your direct medical assessment.
That said – there are steps you can take, steps that may help you move forward and live a life that is easier to deal with, one that not only allows you to cope with pain management, but thrive in lieu of it. Let’s consider some of that advice below. We wish you nothing but the best in your attempts to overcome this disorder:
Consider What Treatments Are Available
Of course, this heading can seem quite patronizing to those who have already taken the time to consider every avenue. However, it might be that certain treatment options are not quite so obvious, or perhaps you’ll find that with the express consent of your physician, something new is worth a try.
Heading to a physiotherapist to help you slowly regain mobility over a year can be a fantastic use of your time. In this case, to use an example, it might open up your hip flexibility to the point where sitting down is much less harmful or irritating. Of course, it can also be that certain private measures, such as spinal injections for back pain, grant you a means of feeling like your best self. Speak to your medical provider before progressing any treatment, of course, but it can’t hurt to at least consider all of your options
Medications & Supplements
Medications and natural supplements are known to help, of course, but it’s figuring out what may be effective for your particular condition that is worth your time to consider and curate. For instance, many people are starting to see positive results from focusing on CBD therapies (cannabidiol therapies), as they allow the body to relax, and it does seem as though they can provide relief from pain. Of course, any new medication or supplement must be verified by your physician.
That said, with this supplement in particular, it does seem as though pain is reduced in a wide variety of conditions – arthritis to name one. For such a low-impact supplement that works on your cannabidiol systems without getting you ‘high’, as THC does, you may unlock a new sense of comfortable and normal. Even if it reduces your pain by 5%, it has to be worth inspecting.
Healthy Lifestyle Factors
Of course, we don’t wish to tell you that your lifestyle is somehow lacking or even the cause of your condition. That would not only be offensive, it would be wrong. However, there is some merit to the idea that even with pain-inducing conditions, healthy lifestyle factors can help. For instance, don’t rely on drinking alcohol to numb the pain, because this can quite often deteriorate your health. Try and get what little exercise and fresh air you can, even if that means walking in the park with your dog for fifteen minutes. Try, to the best extent you can, to get good sleep. This might mean using herbal remedies to help you fall asleep, body pillows that promote good sleeping posture, and good breathing technique.
Healthy lifestyle factors can involve, sometimes, taking it easy and not overdoing things. If you’re recovering from an injury, for example, it may be best to get as much rest as you can, and to avoid the lifestyle factors that may have caused that injury in the first place. We must understand that when it comes to pain management there are real remedies, but we must be disciplined in applying them. For some, extra concessions may help. For those suffering kidney stones, for example, a colder shower can sometimes help alleviate that pain completely for a time. Healthy lifestyle factors really help, so don’t take them for granted.
Communicating With Those In Your Life
Unfortunately, pain can be manageable, but it can also be debilitating. This means that you may not be as functional as a ‘normal’ person might be at this time. Nothing less than express communication with those in your life is required in this instance. If you need to take time from work, you need to be clear and provide medical proof that you have this to deal with.
If you have to return to your parent’s house for a time, then communicating with them and letting them know your needs is important. It might be that speaking to your children and letting them know that you can’t play rough-and-tumble or hug as much is something they need to take into account will help them make those accommodations. Remember, pain is nothing to be ashamed of, it just requires a careful approach, and the willingness to explain or re-explain your needs to people. Most will be more than happy to help you.
Take Time For Yourself
Remember that pain management, in all of its practical applications, can be a full time job. Don’t feel guilty for taking time for yourself and ensuring you’re well-equipped to handle this. Don’t feel bad about taking a break. If going for a walk in the early morning, laying on the couch and playing video games for a few hours is the way you handle your pain in the morning while on medical leave, you don’t have to feel bad about it. Provided you follow your physician’s advice, it may be time to give yourself a little break (at least from time to time).
With this advice, we hope living with pain doesn’t have to be such a harsh sentence, but a manageable and recoverable state of living.
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