Kettleworx Giveaway
Special thanks to Kettleworx for sponsoring this giveaway
To summarize:
KettleWorx is a program that uses the kettlebell as a tool to deliver Cardio, Core and Resistance all in short 20 minute workouts. If the customer follows our program for 20 Minutes 3 x a Week, in six short weeks they WILL change their body in a positive way. We designed it to be simple.
To start the program, the customer chooses 3 days of the week as their KettleWorx days:
Better than AdvertisedI have been working out on and off over the last 15 years, and consider myself in decent shape. I’ve done everything from Tae-Bo on and I was a little skeptical of Kettleworx because it was only 20 minutes long per video. WOW!!!! WAS I WRONG!!!!!! This is by far the BEST WORKOUT PROGRAM I HAVE EVER DONE. I lost over 5 lbs in the first week, and I can only say if you need to get in shape, get Kettleworx. There some quirks about the video, for example, when you get to your second set, it’s a repeat of the video footage from the first set. But don’t let that discourage you, Kettleworx is AWESOME!!!! Get it today, and see AMAZING results tomorrow. – posted by Shawn on 4/2/2010
Body by Jake
I’m a personal trainer and I have tried every workout dvd. If you make the full 6 week comitment , KettleWorx will get you in shape in the comfort of your home. I also like Amy Dixon DVDs too. – posted by Jake on 12/17/2009
This is a great video of what the program is. All I can say is I am super jealous! I want this myself!
RULES: A winner will be selected by This giveaway ends 7/8/10 at 11pm EST
MANDATORY: You must follow Kettleworx on twitter.
Additional entries: Please add one comment per entry and include your email address.
1. Sign up for my newsletter
2. Like Kettleworxs Facebook page and leave a message on their facebook wall about this giveaway( 2 entries)
3. Follow @karlabond on twitter
4. Fan Bond With Karla on facebook
5. Facebook this giveaway and tag @bondwithkarla so I can see it
6. Tweet the following- “I just entered the @Kettleworx giveaway from @karlabond ” Can tweet twice per day (copy and paste tweet link in your comment)
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I follow Kettleworx on Twitter @trulove821
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I “like” Kettleworks on Facebook and commented about this giveaway on their page! (2)
I’m a fan of Karla bond’s on facebook! Shanmommy @ hotmail dot com
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Signed up for newsletter. Lisaizme at aol dot com
Liked Kettleworks fb page Lisaizme at aol dot com
commented about this giveaway on Kettleworks fb page.
Lisaizme at aol dot com
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Lisaizme at aol dot com
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Lisaizme at aol dot com
Facebook this giveaway and tag @bondwithkarla so I can see it.. done.
Lisaizme at aol dot com
Tweet the following- “I just entered the @Kettleworx giveaway from @karlabond DONE.
Lisaizme at aol dot com
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I follow Kettleworx on Twitter (lipstickncandy). This would be perfect for me, I’ve been on a mision to transform my body since the New Year, feeling like I hit a plateau, so I’d love to try this, thanks! 🙂
I follow you on Twitter (lipstickncandy)
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I am following@karlaboond on Twitter.
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Follow @kettleworx on twitter @ThriftyMamaB
I get your newsletter hottmommie84ATyahooDOTcom
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#2 Liked them on FB and posted to their wall
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I’m a fan of Bond with Karla on Facebook (LovelyRita Ann)
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tweeted again! @jamnsfld76
sharing on FB! jamnsfld76
I already follow Kettlework on Twitter. Would love this!
I already get your newsletter (can you tell I’m catching up after vacation? LOL)
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Okay, I think it ate my last few comments.
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last LUCKY? tweet:
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I’m ready to Jello wrestle if doesn’t pick me 😉