Healthy Living

Helpful Wednesday

Is there such a thing?? Okay well I am starting one. This is where you can have your quesitons answered. Simply post your question in the comments OR your link to your site if you have a post about it.

I need help with lunch ideas.

 I am going to get bored quite easily. Before starting my new job I could go home for lunch but now I have to plan and pack. So I am looking for healthy lunch ideas to take.

So what’s your question??

Karla Urwitz
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One thought on “Helpful Wednesday

  1. Hi Karla,

    here is a lunch idea.

    Pita Pockets: filled with Avocado (sprinkled with lemon juice prevents browning)
    lettuce, tomatoes, capsicum, sprouts, roasted seeds (tamari flavored maybe) hummus and anything else that you like from the salad variety. If you like cheese, feta maybe an option.

    Pita pockets is what we use in New Zealand, it is lebanese bread, do you have it where you are?

    Bon Apetit
    Yorinda´s last blog post ..Joy is the Goal

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