Healthy Living

Where has the week gone?

What a week. I have Monday and Tuesday off before starting the new job. Wednesday was nothing but orientation and OMG was it ever long and boring.

I officially started my job on Thursday. Everyone there seems to really nice. Right now the job seems pretty easy but I am sure it will get challenging.  I am really excited about it.

Food wise I didn’t go all that great this week. I didn’t feel comfortable bringing my lunch this past week as I didn’t know about schedules and what not. Next week I will be prepared.  Went out and bought a new lunch bag and ice bags so no excuses.

Want to give a shout out to Trish,Iamsucceeding, for helping me along this week. I hope to have more Internet access this week to keep in touch more with everyone.. Sorry Kim my water has been sparse but picking it back up.

I will WI tomorrow and see the damange which I know it wont be good. Next week I will be stepping up the exercise.

Chiquita Banana rocks the hosue! My son is in love with bananas. He would eat 3 or 4 a day if I would let him.  I normally take them with my breakfast or eat them as a snack with some yummy PB on them. Can’t go wrong with a good ole banana.

Have a good week everyone.

Jicama, Mango & Pineapple Salad

Jumpstart outdoor entertaining with this colorful salad. Featuring thin strips of chicken and seasonal fruits, the secret to this summer side is a flavorful coating of chicken bouillon and chili powder – a mouth-watering kick sure to please!

Estimated Times
Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time:

Servings: 8 to 10 servings

Ingredients 2 cups matchstick-size jicama strips
2 cups matchstick-size mango strips
2 cups matchstick-size fresh pineapple strips
2 cups shredded cooked chicken, cooled
1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves
1 tablespoon MAGGI Granulated Chicken Flavor Bouillon
2 teaspoons chili powder
Lime wedges

Directions COMBINEjicama, mango, pineapple, chicken and cilantro in large bowl; sprinkle with bouillon and chili powder. Toss gently. Serve immediately with lime wedges. Nutritional Information

Calories: 110 Calories from Fat: 10 Total Fat: 1.5 g
Saturated Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 25 mg Sodium: 400 mg
Carbohydrates: 16 g Dietary Fiber: 3 g Sugars: 10 g
Protein: 11 g

Karla Urwitz
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26 thoughts on “Where has the week gone?

  1. New jobs are scary! however, now that you know, you are way more prepared.

    Bring in things like the recipe you posted and you will be the ENVY of the lunchroom! Let others go get their greasy burgers and fries! 🙂

    I copied this recipe and plan on trying it. It looks amazing!!!

    have a great week 🙂

  2. Well that cut off on me! 🙂 Anyway, I’m proud of you! Don’t forget to add veg in with your lunches!!!!!!

    You’re awesome, girl! 🙂 MWAH!

  3. Thank you, Karla, for the delicious sounding recipe.

    What are cilantro leaves.
    I am from New Zealand.

    Love and Light

  4. So glad that you’re settling into your new job and that everyone seems to be nice. From the sounds of it, anything would have been better than your previous situation. I hope it continues to be a positive experience for you.

    Way to plan ahead with your lunches, that will save you a lot of time, energy, money and calories! Have a fantastic week!
    Steph (@stephhamm154)´s last blog post ..Can I get a Drum Roll Please

  5. I am glad to read that you are enjoying your new job and that they are friendly. I am sure once you get in the groove of your new schedule you will find a place and time for bringing healthy lunches and fitness! Have a great week! 🙂
    Rachel @RachelSteffen´s last blog post ..Fitness Log 7-17

  6. So glad your loving the new job! Stress and unhappiness can make you gain weight as well. I just read on twitter you packed you lunch for tomorrow so I know your moving in the right direction. Now all you need to do is get in some good sweat sessions! You can do it! Baby steps 🙂
    Shannon´s last blog post ..Semi Wordless Wednesday!!

  7. That recipe sounds delish!

    I always felt the same way when starting a new job. You are trying to get a feel for the job, the co-workers, the schedule. Lunch is rough until you get into a groove.

    Hope you have a great week, Karla!
    Love you!
    Heather @ Not a DIY Life´s last blog post ..Mamavation Week 29

  8. Congrats on the new job, you will get on a routine in no time and that will help with eating right. That Jicama, Mango & Pineapple Salad makes my mouth water! It looks so good!
    Carrie Symes´s last blog post ..Mamavation Week 2

  9. lots of luck with the new job! Taking lunches will save so much money and calories, and will make you feel better than having all those take out/fast food meals.
    colleen´s last blog post ..Mamavation Monday

  10. Keep us updated on the new job! So excited for you. And thanks for the recipe. Looks delicious!

  11. Congrats on your new job and deciding to take your lunch. New job can be scary like that. You are not sure what to expect. Give it time, it will all come together. 🙂

  12. Glad to hear the people at your work are friendly. That always helps. Also, WTG on the decision to pack your lunches. That is one of the HARDEST things to do. We’ll keep each other on track!

    Your recipes are amazing. Keep them comin’!

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