
Favorites: TV Websites and Blogs

BloggingBefore The TV Nook became a reality of mine, I would spend hours online reading up on my favorite shows. I needed to find out what show was cancelled, what was happening next, or who is coming and going.  Here are a few of my favorite websites that I still visit daily.

TV Line– Oh Michael Ausiello, how I love thee and your love of Snapple and Smurfs. I have been following Michael since I started reading his column on TV Guide Online. He is so funny and always knows the juicy stuff. I swear he is a stalker friend to just about everyone. If you need to know the scoop read TV Line. I want to be like Mike!

Clique Clack This team of writers are great at recaps. Their site is very organized and they have a chat section that us TV freaks can rant and rave. You can also check out their news feed on the right side of The TV Nook.

Spoiler TV– They have a great variety of content. From promo clips, photos, and recaps. Their team of writers are funny and show their love of TV.  I love how their site is organized by TV network. Makes it easier the shows I want to read about.

The TV Chick– Us woman must stick together right? She is one fantastic TV chick.  She gets the interviews, goes to the events, and I am super jealous she gets to attend Comic Con! She always gives away so pretty cook swag!

My list could go on forever but these are the sites I look up to and hope that The TV Nook can one day become.  We are on our way! So if there is anyone out there that would like to sponsor me for Comic Con 2012 I would love to go.  Just thought I would throw that out there!


Karla Urwitz
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