
Father’s Day Baskets

Well it’s the last week before Father’s Day. Thought I would wrap it with more gift ideas. Previous posts have been about crafts so today I want to give you some gift basketFather's Dayideas for Dad. This might help Mom out too! My hubby is hard to buy for but you can do a lot with baskets. Here are a few that I think my hubby might enjoy. Yours might too.

Healthy Food Basket

If I were doing this basket for hubby I might include Lara Bars, SoBe Life Water, apples, oranges, and nuts. Include all his favorite healthy foods.  You could also include the Magic Bullet and some smoothie mixes.

Fitness Basket

I might include a nice gym towel, water bottle, pedometer, and maybe an iTunes card to help put some exercise music on his Ipod. 

Sports Basket

If you have local sports in your city try getting him a pair of tickets to each for him and a buddy to have a boys night out.  In my town we have all minor leagues for baseball, hockey, basketball and soccer. We even have arena football! If he is a golfer don’t forget to add a round of golf.

Movie/TV Basket

My hubby is a Sci-fi person so you could include movies/shows like Battlestar Galactica season 3, Hurt Locker, or MacGuyver Tv Movies. Who doesn’t love MacGuyver? You could also include a mini DVD player to watch them on.

I hope that helps get you started on some ideas. A few more that come to mind are video game, gadgets, books, and tool baskets. You can really turn anything dad likes into a basket.  Don’t forget Dad and get started NOW.

Remember those computer savvy dads. Try New Egg for all things computer.

Karla Urwitz
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