
Despicable Me- Mommy Bear Media Review

If you have been reading my site then you know how much I love Mommy Bear Media. Working with them have been such an honor. They offer such a great variety of family movies in one spot.  Mommy Bear Media is such a user friendly site as well.

With one click it will tell you what movies are below $6.96, by age, and even by rating. They even have a pre-order page that you can use so you don't miss out on your favorite upcoming movie.

For this review we choose Despicable Me.

My Review

My son has seen this movie before but now that it's not on regular TV, I thought this was a great chance to add it to our collection. He just love the Minions. He thinks they are funny looking and silly. I had my doubts on this movie but the villain is really likable. Taking on orphan kids for one reason, and keeping them for another.

While there is 2 guys fighting for one thing, the way the movie portrays it is very kid friendly. No guns or fighting were involved with is always a plus with a 5 year old that likes to act out everything!


Please hope over to Mommy Bear Media right now and take advantage of their free shipping, non minimum order sale.  Oh and did I mention they were doing a giveaway??  Win $100 gift certificate from Mommy Bear Media. Imagine what you can buy with that?


Karla Urwitz
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