Healthy Living


I have heard so many fun things about Zumba. I have never tried it myself but I might have to add this to my bucket list of things to do. I looked up online about what it is and how classes are. Here are some things I found.Zumba

If you’re planning to join a Zumba class, you need to prepare a few things first to avoid the common pitfalls. Being ready will also ensure that you get the most fun out of workouts and optimize the calorie and fat burn. The Zumba is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to exercise. You might even want to turn pro just by joining a workshop or two.

Starter Tips
Wear the right attire for the Zumba class. Although there are no uniforms required or special types of gadgets, the main thing is that you should stay comfortable. Wear the right workout clothes that allow you to move freely. Check your range of motion especially in the hops, arms and legs. As for footwear, low-tread sneakers are the best. The bottom should be as smooth as possible, with well-cushioned internal support. These should allow you to move from side to side and to turn and slide easily.

Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and energized. Drinking water before, during and after your workout also helps flush out toxins and other excess fluids in your body. You can quickly lose pounds in water during the first week. Make sure you come on time since there are warmup exercises that reduce your chances of getting injured. Most Zumba sessions last anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes, with a 5 to 10-minute warm up session.

Your Own Pace
It is important that you work only at your own pace.  Which is good if you have an injury. Try to understand the music first and feel the groove then start practicing the different dance moves. You will be dancing to several rhythms like the salsa, cha cha, merengue and belly dance. Start by doing movements that feel the most comfortable for you. Modify the exercise according to your personal preference and comfort level. Marching in place is a good substitute activity if you still find it hard to perform certain moves. Marching will keep your heart rate up as well as your metabolism.

Choosing the Right Class
There are several types of Zumba classes, depending on your experience and current skill level. Generally, the Zumba Basic and Zumba Gold are available. Zumba Basic is good for the regular exerciser, while Zumba Gold focuses more on seniors and physically challenged individuals. You can get a full workout and fat burn even if you’re on a wheelchair, using special moves and routines that are specifically tailored for your needs. Check your local gym or YMCA to see if they offer classes.

So I think I found out a lot about Zumba by reseraching online. It sounds like a fun class and a way to not hate exercise. If you have tried Zumba I would love to hear your experience and what you think.  Don’t forget to be comfortable and hydrated. Here are some places to help you do that.

Karla Urwitz
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4 thoughts on “Zumba

  1. Hi Karla,
    How very strange, until 2 weeks ago I had never heard of Zumba. Then my wife’s friend rang and said she had just qualified to teach it would she like to go. So she went and has been to every class since (4 classes a week). Then I heard about it on the radio just yesterday and now I’m reading this post Bizarre lol !!!!

    Great post as always Karla.

    Keep smiling

    Chris 🙂
    Chris Hilaire´s last blog post ..The Future of Shopping

  2. This is so timely Karla! I actually just went to my first class this weekend and it was a lot of fun. The DVD infomercials on TV really got me interested. But I know myself too well that the DVD’s are never the same as a real class.

    I was unprepared though. My clothes were comfy, but I didn’t take any water. YOU DEFINITELY need the water bottle in class. Let me know if you decide to take a class – I want to hear how it goes!
    Ivette Muller´s last blog post ..Father’s Day Gift Idea: Grill Charms!

  3. Thanks Chris and Ivette for stopping by. Glad you tried it Ivette. I normally take water whenever I work out. I would feel goofy doing the class. I haven’t found one in my area that has a good time for me. I will keep searching.

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