Why Your Weight Returns
Guest Post by By Lori Shemek, PhD, CLC, CNC
You did it! You’ve finally lost that weight due to your determination, only to have it return months after. There you go again disheartened, unhappy and lacking motivation. Why does the weight rebound happen? Physically, it is a difficult question that still baffles researchers. However, once you understand the yo-yo dieting aspect of it – you will lose weight and keep it off.
According to Michael R. Lowe, PhD, a professor of psychology at Drexel University, defines yo-yo dietingas an “intentional, meaningful loss of weight followed by a regain of most, all or even more of that weight.” Sadly, most dieters know this exhausting cycle only all too well. Chronic dieters often experience weight rebound as evidenced by Oprah, Kirstie Alley and many more. This is an irritating, distressing, and at times, an unbreakable pattern.
We all experience weight fluctuations due to many issues such as lack of water intake, illness, increased sodium in the diet, menstruation and more. It is normal to have a day-to-day fluctuation of plus or minus a few pounds. The problem occurs when we lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time through dieting. When you lose weight you are losing both fat and muscle. Because the body has less to maintain, the metabolism slows down, add to this excess food intake, poor food choices and ultimately, your weight gain.
As you gain weight, more energy is required to maintain your body and your metabolism will increase with one caveat: As you put on the pounds, you are NOTreplacing lost muscle tissue, which is more metabolically active and requires more calories, thus, burns fat. Essentially you are overeating, with a slower metabolism and less muscle. So what’s the secret in overcoming this frustrating cycle? I can assure you it is NOT the latest fad diet of low carbs, high carbs, and no fat. Those who are successful long term have learned to limit their intake of calories, fat and increase their energy output – exercise. It’s calories in – calories out period.
To be successful, you must be proactive in your own health. Start by throwing out the junk – the candy, the chips, the sodas, the processed food. Prepare and plan your foods to help you create success. Throw out the fast food menus and coupons. Be mindful of all your health choices. This includes your lifestyle activities. Do you serve a large platter on the table where ‘second helpings’ are easy to reach for? Do you watch too much TV? Are you watching the Food Network channel? Are you on the computer for long periods of time?
Keep the food on the stove where you have to make an effort for a second helping. Turn the TV off, turn the computer off – (be a role model for your family) and go for a walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator – all of these choices will result in weight loss for you and this is only the beginning. Really think about how you can integrate Lifestyle Exercise into your everyday life. Additionally, schedule aerobic exercise and strength training. Strength training is vital for weight loss. The more muscle you have the more calories you are burning, even at rest.
This shift is a subtle one. You do not have to make all the changes at one time. I recommend you set a goal of one change per week that you know you will be able to integrate into your life. This will create success for you and then you can successfully add more changes. If one a week is too challenging, set your goal for one change a month. The key is that you are being proactive and not reactive to your food environment. One of the main reasons people fail at weight loss is that they make changes that are not manageable for long periods of time and thus, the yo-yo syndrome.
So take stock of what needs to be changed to promote a healthier and lasting weight loss. YOU CAN DO IT!
Dr. Lori L Shemek, the Founder/President of DLS HealthWorks, LLC, is a well-known and reputed Professional Health Coach Expert and founder of the Health Attraction System™. Lori is passionate about using her years of expertise in health and psychology, for the betterment of her clients; to provide them with the tools they need to help them achieve their desired goals. Being a first-hand witness to the effects of general poor health and malnourishment, she continues her onward journey to propagate the true importance of optimal nutrition in a person’s everyday life. You can find Lori on Twitter, Facebook or her website..
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Hi Karla,
I found this article to be very informative. I have lost 120 lbs and have maintained that loss for a year now. I want to lose about 40 more lbs but have been unable to move forward. After reading your article, I’m thinking that I’m grateful to have maintained. Thanks for sharing this information.
.-= Debbie Stevens´s last blog ..The Picture of Success =-.
Thanks Karla, I always love to come to a site where I find similar likes and interests. Weight gain, weight loss is struggle for a lot of people and my one enjoyment is encouraging them along their path to success. Thanks
.-= Bill Cowan´s last blog ..A Helping Hand =-.
Thanks guys for stopping by. Debbie that is fantastic on 120lbs. Way to go and Bill.. What a transformation!
.-= Karla Bond´s last blog ..Ways to find God in Difficult Times =-.