
Wall Decals by Dezign With a Z: ReDecorate with Ease

photo 3We are embarking on our 2nd anniversary in our new home and yet we haven’t changed it much. We are slowing doing that but I am not Martha Stuart by any stretch of the word. One easy way to redecorate is by use wall decals or wall stickers. Very inexpensive and easy to do. Dezign With A Z is the perfect place to find a wall decal for any type of theme.   I was thrilled to receive a wall decal for review.


All Dezign With A Z wall decals are made right here in the USA. On the Design With a Z wall decals website you can browse a large selection of contemporary slick Wall Decals for your home and office decorating needs. You can also learn useful tips on how and where to use your Wall Decal. They offer the largest selection of wall decals on the market. They even do custom wall deals to fit any need.

My Wall Decal Review

I was thrilled to review this beautiful tree wall decal.  I must say this thing looked huge and I could feel I was going to get frustrated with it. This was a two person job for sure. It’s very simple concept. The wall decal comes on a double stick paper. First you have to rub it so it sticks on the top sheet. This is the sheet that will go onto the wall. If you have a big design like we had, this could take some time because it’s very detailed.


After you take the back off you have to now get this thing on the wall. We measure and taped off there the corners need to go.  This design isn’t one where we could get a do-over. After about 2 hours we finally got this beautiful tree wall decal up and finished.

I have to had it to the Hubs because he did a majority of the work. It really make our hall come alive. We placed it at the beginning of the hall so that when we are at the table it can be viewed. I sure wasn’t going to hid this gem.

The Giveaway

Thanks so much to Dezign With A Z for allowing me to spruce up my house and allow my readers this opportunity. One reader can win a $30 gift certificate to Dezign With A Z. US residents only ends 6/25/13. Good Luck.


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Karla Urwitz
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