Healthy Living

Unique Medical Careers That May Be For You

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When people hear the words “medical career” they immediately think of doctors and nurses. These two professions are at the head of the medical career ladder, and they offer many different variations of themselves. There are, however, other medical careers that many people don’t think about that are necessary for doctors and nurses to do their jobs. These careers may be right for you. Here are some unique medical careers you may not know exist.

Clinical Researcher

Clinical research is the study of the diseases and illnesses in the human body and how they affect the general population. Clinical research is at the epicenter of understanding what is happening in medicine. The research conducted and the facts that are discovered are helping doctors and nurses treat and heal patients every day.

To become a clinical researcher, you are going to want to know a lot about medicine. You will be required to have a four-year degree in medicine and/or biology, and many students go on to the master and doctorate level. You will also have to work in a laboratory. Researchers like Dr Hanid Audish is an example of how becoming a clinical researcher can lead to great success in the medical field.

Prosthetics Technician

Not all medical careers require that you know about medicine. In the realm of prosthetics, a prosthetics technician is like an artist for health. This job allows for its members to build and design prosthetics for patients. What’s more is that they also have the knowledge to fix prosthetics and make them useful again.

This support position is good with their hands and has all the knowledge necessary to utilize the latest technology in computers and design to create the perfect prosthetic for the patient’s needs. This is a very important position to have. 

Medical Illustrator

Another career where art and medicine come together, medical illustrators work with medical schools, clinics, and hospitals to take important medical information and translate it into images so patients and other people associated with medicine can easily understand and digest information. 

This is a great career for someone who wants to work from home. Not only do medical illustrators make almost $100,000 per year, but they work mostly remotely where they can make their own hours and work when it’s convenient for them.

Space Psychologist

Space psychologists work with NASA and other space programs around the world. These specific doctors work with astronauts to make sure they are mentally healthy and sound in order to go into space. They interview astronauts to make sure they have the stamina and mental strength to take on the job. 

Space psychologists can work directly with the space program or they can work directly for the government. Most government agencies require that the psychologists have a doctorate in psychology and they have done extensive research in their field. 


There are plenty more unique jobs in the medical field that may be for you. Doing a quick internet search will unearth jobs you never knew existed, but may be exactly what you are looking for. 

Karla Urwitz
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