
The Mommy Diaries Book Review + #Giveaway

The Mommy Diaries is something ALL of us Mom's can relate to in one way or another. The screaming child in your arms, one hanging on your leg all while trying to clean or cook dinner. You know you have been there. I however stopped at just one child for that reason, well not only that reason but it's a good one, but the screaming is still the same.

About the Author:

After having three children within 26 months (none are twins), Dallas Louis’ life has been a non-stop circus. From nearly getting kicked out of Disneyland after her youngest tackled Cinderella, to being on a first name basis with her family orthopedic surgeon, Louis’ children and home life are a constant source of material – enough to fill her new book, The Mommy Diaries: How I’m Surviving Parenting without Killing Anyone. When not parenting, she is a sought-after speaker to various women’s and parenting groups across the country. Released in spring 2011, her first book, Girlfriends, Giggles & God, is a 31-day devotional for women. She lives in Houston with her husband and three children, ages 8, 9 and 10. To learn more, visit her family/parenting blog.

About Mommy Diaries

The Mommy Diaries followes the family life of an everyday mom trying survive parenting. Louisshares her most embarrassing moments and some of her more bizarre emergency room trip with her readers.  She decribes the life of her husband/wife relationsio and how marriage can twist and turn when you have kids.  Here is a crazy Mom moment from Dallas:

A couple of years ago, Silly Bandz were all the rage. My children were not immune to this phenomenon, but my husband and I did limit the number of Bandz the kids could wear at one time, especially on certain occasions–church, for instance. One Sunday, we were sitting in the second pew, directly behind the preaching pastor. My oldest son, evidently bored, took off one of his Silly Bandz and began playing with it, quickly losing control. We found out that they shoot almost as far as real rubber bands when the escaped Silly Band zinged the pastor in the ear, making him jump, which made us jump, and set off an erie wave-like epidemic through the entire Sanctuary.

My Thoughts

I couldn't help but laugh, cry, and totally relate to this book. While I just have the one four year old her stories still spoke to me. It really made me think I wasn't alone, crazy, or a bad mom/wife.  How she remembered all those things to write a book is amazing.  I have a hard time remembering what Cooper did yesterday becasue well, he is four and grows horns at times. I get those moments confused. To deal with home renovations, ER visits, and 3 kids months apart, in my book give her the title of Super Hero!

This book would make a great Mother's Day gift, especially if they have multiple young kids. Make them feel they are apart of the craziness not isolate on their own island with a straight jacket.

The Giveaway

I am thrilled they are giving one lucky reader their very own copy of Mommy Diaries. You really don't want to miss this chance.


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Karla Urwitz
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9 thoughts on “The Mommy Diaries Book Review + #Giveaway

  1. crazy parent moment, my son took off his diaper at the time and got poop all over his tv, walls and into the carpet! was not fun to clean!

  2. my son's fourth xmas at 8 pm xmas eve he announced for the first time he wanted hot wheels for xmas just hot wheels nothing else drove to walmart against the hubby's wishes hit a deer but he got his hot wheels and daddy got to buy a real car

  3. I found out about this giveaway through and would like to win it for my cousin 🙂

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