Healthy Living

Pitching The Perfect Family Vacation: Camping Mistakes To Avoid


The idea of spending two weeks in a tent with the family won’t appeal to everyone. Not only is the moaning infuriating, but the no family has to be that close. Still, if you can get over the negatives, the positives are pretty amazing. There is the quality time you get to spend as a group, the peace and quiet, and the beauty of Mother Nature. All you have to do to make sure the pros outweigh the cons is avoid the common errors which plague families. The following advice should help ensure a dream camping trip doesn’t turn into a nightmare.


Not Investing In A Quality Tent


It might be summertime, but the weather can change at any moment. Indeed, it isn’t rare for campers to experience storm-like conditions at the end of August. Even if the weather forecast is bright, it is better to be safe than sorry. With this in mind, don’t buy a cheap tent which will flood with water. A few tips which will help are to check the label for water resistant materials and to make sure it comes with a ‘second skin. points out some people even take a sheet of tarpaulin to ensure the rain doesn’t seep through in the middle of the night.


Not Putting It Up Beforehand


Buying the right tent is one thing, but putting it up is another thing completely. At times, it seems as if certain polyester houses should come with an engineering degree they are that hard to erect. Of course, they shouldn’t, but that is how it feels at the time. The reason it is difficult is a lack of practice. Like all things, erecting a tent takes practice to get it right and to understand how it works. So, putting it up in the garden before you leave is a great idea. And, don’t forget to remember how to take it down, too, because it isn’t a cinch.


Not Buying Cooking Equipment


For starters, cooking your meals is less hassle than finding a restaurant or eating at the campsite. More importantly, it is cheaper, and that is worth considering seeing as family holidays are expensive. However, lukewarm beans and bread won’t keep the morale high, particularly if it is every night. With the right equipment though, you can make home cooked meals. By checking out and browsing the codes, it is possible to make a bigger saving, too. Just don’t forget to buy a cooler box to store the food. Otherwise, it will go off in the heat.


Not Taking Entertainment


Being at one with nature is amazing, but it isn’t full-on excitement 24/7. There are times when you need a break from the kids, which is why entertainment is essential. Sitting on a chair watching YouTube videos or surfing the Web might appear counterproductive, but it blows off steam. After all, boredom is a factor when you are on a family camping vacation as there is a lot of downtime.


Any family which follows these tips should have a great time in the Great Outdoors.


Karla Urwitz
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