Healthy Living

Kids Fitness- Prevent Childhood Obesity

I wasn’t considered ‘obese” until I was in 7th/8th grade. My parents were never concerned about it because it wasn’t that big of an issue. But over the past 30 years childhood obesity has tripled all because we as parents get lazy. Childhood ObesityI think society plays a part, I have no control over what my son eats at daycare, but I think it’s up to us parents to instill healthy living while they are young.

According to the American Obesity Association (AOA) the Causes of Childhood Obesity are:

  • Physical Activity – Lack of regular exercise.
  • Sedentary behavior – TV, Computers, Video games
  • Socioeconomic Status – Low family incomes and non-working parents.
  • Eating Habits – High calorie foods. Some eating patterns that have been associated with this behavior are eating when not hungry, eating while watching TV or doing homework.
  • Environment – Some factors are over-exposure to advertising of foods that promote high-calorie foods and lack of recreational facilities.

Set up program to guarantee exercise. You don’t have make it hard, but make it fun. If you exercise everyday then why shouldn’t your children? Make it family bonding time. Here are some suggestions:

  • Go for bike rides
  • Roller blade
  • Jump rope
  • Play basketball

Doing something is better than nothing at all. For rainy days if you have a Wii there are plenty of things you can do with them. The Wii Fit is so much fun and great exercise. Also, the EAS Active is a great program. The more active your kids are now the more likely they will stay active and fit as an adult.

I believe I am overweight as an adult because of the food that was given to me and the lack of exercise. My parents did make me get up and move. They didn’t get up and move either. I want to set a good example for my son and show him how to be healthy and stay healthy. We shape our kids for the future and set them up for success.

Need a kid friendly program?

Karate Kids is a at home fitness program for kids 4-12. The Karate Kids Program, founded by World Champion Robert Tallack, has become a trusted industry leader in children’s fitness, and continues to expand around the world. Karate Kids Home Fitness delivers an award winning program through fun 25 minute DVD lessons. Parents are thrilled when their children begin to display increased self-esteem, listening skills, respect, fitness and confidence in as little as 2 weeks.

Karla Urwitz
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7 thoughts on “Kids Fitness- Prevent Childhood Obesity

  1. Hi Karla,
    I completely agree with you. Sometimes just talking to our children and explaining that they need to take care of their bodies and how they can make little changes will make a huge difference.
    In relation to doing activity, I love dancing so that’s something that I do with the boys from time to time 😉 .
    Great points!
    .-= Eren Mckay´s last blog ..Christian Poem for Mother’s Day =-.

  2. You’re absolutely right. Parents need to help kids make better food choices and include activity as part of their daily routine.

    When I was a kid, I went outside after breakfast, and had to come inside at dark. And I wanted to stay outside even longer.

    My problem is less activity as an adult. (and too much food) I am active with my teenagers, but still need to bump up my activity.
    .-= Debbie Lattuga´s last blog ..Limiting Beliefs | 7 Ways to Release Them Fast =-.

  3. My kids were never in a Daycare but when they started preschool, they were the only ones with packed lunch even if lunch is already included in their tuition fee. I just can’t bear to see them eat the school lunch every single day! And I wake up at 5am to prepare their snacks and lunch even to this day.

    I totally agree with you. If we want to help our kids be healthy and fit, we need to be healthy, fit and active ourselves. We MUST be the change we want to see in our kids.
    .-= Young And Fabulous´s last blog ..Living Longer And Healthier All Starts In Your Head =-.

  4. Cherrie I am sure when he is school age I will be packing lunches for him. Paying for crap meals at school isn’t going to happen.

    Eren I too dance along with my son. He is only 2 so it’s fun and cute to do.

    Debbie I am not setting the best example for my son but everyday it gets better. Like tonight, he shocked me that he ate watermelon over pizza.. Yeah him!

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