kids birthday party ideas

Kids Birthday Party Ideas to Keep It Peaceful

kids birthday party ideasMy son just turned six last month, and we threw a Super Mario themed birthday party for him and all of his friends. Overall, the party was a big hit. We had some Super Mario party supplies that all the kids loved, and my son and his friends dressed up like Super Mario characters. So, on February 4th, fifteen six-year old boys dressed up like Mario and Luigi and two little girls dressed up like Princess Peach took over our home. It was certainly a cute sight to behold.

It seems like one of the children at my son’s parties always ends up crying, someone spills a drink on the carpet, and two of the boys in attendance end up bickering. This year’s birthday party may have been the most peaceful yet, though. Over the years, my husband and I have figured out how to throw a relatively successful party with just a few snares. Here are five tips to help you keep things under control at your son’s party:

Plan out activities

Keeping the kids busy and on a schedule of activities will leave little time for misbehaving and disagreements. You may want to develop a party agenda. For instance, you could start the party with water guns, then move on to playing hopscotch, then play some video games (depending on the size of your party), and end the party with cake.

Let the kids know the rules

If the kids know they aren’t supposed to climb the backyard fence or that they’re supposed to use their “inside voices,” they’ll (hopefully) be less likely to engage in these types of disruptive behavior. So, have them all sit criss-cross applesauce as soon as they arrive to the party, and lay out the ground rules.

Save the sugar until the end of the party

It’s usually not a good idea to serve cake at the beginning or during the middle of the party. The sugar from the cake will totally wire the kids. It’s best to serve cake and other sweets toward the end of the party.

Put the same prizes and toys in each party favor bag

If Tommy gets a toy car in his party favor bag and Troy doesn’t, there’s bound to be some conflict. It’s wise to give the kids all the same party favors and to hand the favors out at the very end of the party.

Make sure you have parents’ contact information

Even if you don’t know all the parents of the children at the party well, you should probably ask for their phone numbers. If one of the children gets sick, injured, or simply wants to leave the party, you’re going to want to be able to get ahold of that child’s parents fast.

Consider trying out the tips above, and your son will hopefully have a very pleasant and peaceful kids birthday party this year!


Lisa is a mother and guest post writer on the subjects of child development, party planning, and early childhood parenting tips.





Karla Urwitz
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One thought on “Kids Birthday Party Ideas to Keep It Peaceful

  1. This is a great post!  I have three kids, so we host three kid's parties a year and it can be quite stressful.  Love the theme of your party.  My oldest's last birthday was a Mario themed one!

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