Healthy Living

Happy Healthy Monday

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week! My week flew by. Is anyone else finding that to be the case?

Well in 21 days my son will turn 4. See time just flies. I can’t believe he will be 4. His theme this year is all things Veggie Tales. He cake will be Larry Boy from the show but can you beleive I can’t find a Veggie Tale pinata anywhere. If I was crafy I would make one. I think I am going to have to order supplies online because I can’t find plates and such in stores. I guess i should have made sure I got stuff before selecting a theme.  So I pray I can find some stuff to make is a hit.

Okay so this week I managed to lose 2 lbs. Yeah me! All I am really doing is watching portions and trying to eat better foods. I still do snacking on some not so great foods but I don’t binge on them. I think not over thinking this whole thing has really helped. Also I have been reviewing some great healthy snacks. Check out my giveaways. They are all so yummy.

My friend Chef Jeff puts out a newsletter, which everyone should get, and with each one is a recipe. Here is one. Enjoy!

BBQ Sloppy Joes

This is how they eat them in the South! Not really, I just modeled
it after a typical North Carolina BBQ Pork Sandwich.


Serves 4

Cook time: 15 minutes

2  cups chopped Cabbage
1/4  cup Mayonnaise, reduced fat
1  tablespoon Vinegar
1/4  cup Sugar
1  pound Ground Beef reduced fat
1/2  cup Barbecue Sauce
4  Whole Wheat Hamburger Roll

Mix the cabbage, mayonnaise, vinegar, and sugar, and set aside in
the fridge. Meanwhile Brown the beef in a nonstick skillet; add the
BBq sauce and simmer for a minute or two. Spoon the BBq beef on the
buns and top with the coleslaw.

Serving Suggestion
Roasted Potato Wedges

per serving: 374 calories; 30.5 gram protein; 8 grams total fat; 1
gram fiber; 6 gram saturated fat; 38.5 grams carbohydrates; 68 mgs
cholesterol; 524 mgs sodium

Karla Urwitz
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4 thoughts on “Happy Healthy Monday

  1. Way to go! This is my first time reading and I’ll be back! I love when there are recipes because I get in a rut of the same foods over and over again. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your loss!

  2. Congratulations on your loss! Have you checked out the Big Ideas website to see if they sell anything? We’re huge Veggie Tale lovers around here.

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