Healthy Living

Happy Healthy Monday

Hope everyone had a good healthy week.  Here in the midwest outside is like a sauna. I am not liking this heat at all. Supposed to be 96 today but it’s to feel like 103 with the humidity. I think the week is to be like that too.

I have my in-laws from England in town for the next 10 days. Maybe I can get them to pack for me. LOL They leave on the 16th, we close on our house on the 15th, and we move on the 18th. I will be packing around them. Hubby has the 10 days off so I hope he can get some stuff done but I am doubtful.

Food wise this week has been better but not the best so I am getting there. I am trying to drink more water during the day than I have been. WIth the hot weather it makes that easier. I have been packing my lunches so that not only helps with the healthy choices but the pocket book too.

I hope all you Mamavation sistah’s had a great time on your trip. Maybe someday I will meet a few of you! Until then have a super week and enjoy the recipe.

Estimated Times

Preparation Time: 30 mins
Cooking Time:
Cooling Time: 7 hrs freezing

Servings: 16


4 cups lime sherbet, slightly softened
5 cups Vanilla SLOW CHURNED Light Ice Cream
1 container (28 ounces) Strawberry or Raspberry HÄAGEN-DAZS Fat Free Sorbet
1/2 cup NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Mini Morsel Toppers


LINE 2-quart bowl with plastic wrap, making sure wrap hangs over side of the bowl by at least 4 inches.

SPOON sherbet into large mixer bowl; beat with mixer or stir with spoon until smooth. Spoon sherbet into prepared bowl, pressing into the bottom and up the side with the back of a spoon to form a smooth layer. Freeze for 30 minutes. Remove vanilla ice cream from freezer and allow to soften for 10 minutes; spoon into large mixer bowl and beat with mixer or stir with spoon until smooth. Add to bowl with sherbet, smoothing it over the sherbet in a thin layer. Freeze for 30 minutes.

REMOVE sorbet from the freezer and allow to soften for 10 minutes. Spoon sorbet into large mixer bowl and beat with mixer or stir with spoon until smooth; stir in morsels. Spoon sorbet mixture over ice cream so it fills the remaining space and fills the bowl. Smooth down top; cover with plastic overhang, then add another sheet of plastic wrap. Freeze for at least 6 hours or up to 1 week.

TO UNMOLD, remove plastic wrap from top of bowl. Gently tug at the plastic overhang to loosen the bombe from the bowl. (If the bombe is difficult to remove from the bowl, set it in a large bowl filled with warm water for 8 to 10 seconds.) Place a serving platter over the bowl, invert and shake to release bombe. Peel away plastic wrap, then cut bombe into wedges. Serve immediately.

Calories: 220 Calories from Fat: 45 Total Fat: 5 g
Saturated Fat: 3 g Cholesterol: 15 mg Sodium: 45 mg
Carbohydrates: 42 g Dietary Fiber: 1 g Sugars: 34 g
Protein: 3 g

Karla Urwitz
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5 thoughts on “Happy Healthy Monday

  1. Mmmm, looks yummy. Enjoy the company. Keep up the good work with healthy recipes.

  2. MMMM….that looks so yummy. Moving is great exercise 🙂 I hope everything goes as planned…try not to stress

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