Healthy Living

Dining Out Tips

Hi my name is Karla and I have an eating out problem. I hate cooking which is why hubby does it most of the time. I would prefer to eat out when possible but this poses 2 issues. Dining OutOne is that it gets expensive and two I am trying to lose weight and it’s hard to know EXACTLY what you are eating.

There’s no arguing about it dining out when you’re on a diet can be hard, especially for people who love food, like myself. The right approach to eating is centered on eating normally, not splurging constantly, even in a restaurant. There is no need to give up dining out. Trying to live a health lifestyle shouldn’t be punishment or make you feel like your missing out.

Here are some thing I TRY to do when eating out:

  • Ask for a to go box when the meal comes. Box up half the meal. Most meals I get are enough for 2 people
  • I try to stick to ordering chicken. I ask for it to be cooked plain with no oil, butter or sauce
  • I ask for my veggies to be cooking plain as well. Most places have a steamed veggie of some kind
  • If I am at a place that serves bread with the meal, I ask them to not bring it
  • If I feel the need to have a dessert then I try to share with someone and only have a few bites

I was always the type of person that thought “oh I will get a salad it will be healthy”. Sure it is healthy WITHOUT the dressing most of the time. I am a creamy dressing type gal. I love my ranch and I am picky about the FF or low fat kinds. A side caesar salad is 500 calories and a full size is about 1010. I will often get regular but one trick is to dip your fork into the dressing and then take a bite of salad. NEVER get the dressing on the salad, always on the side. Soups are also a good choice but again don’t get the creamy soups. Try for a broth based soup. I love a good vegetable soup.

Restaurants are slowly becoming aware of the health issue with eating out and have altered their menu. Most places now I have found have a “under 500 calorie” section or something to that effect. I know in some states restaurants are required to put the nutritional information on their menu for each items. I think this needs to be done for every state. I want to know what I am eating.

What is boils down to is choice. Make wise choices. Make sure to ask how things are cooked and ask for it to be done differently. Get that to go box and take half of it home. If you can’t see it you won’t eat it. I can do some serious damage when eating out but if you think with your head and not your stomach you will do fantastic. Don’t let eating out fluster you.  Although I may not follow these rules everything, they are ones that I need to live by if I want to be successful in having a healthy lifestyle.

Like to cook but want to bring dining out to your table?  These are some great magazines that can bring you new and healthy ideas to your table without leaving home.

EatingWellA delicious balance of cooking and must-have nutrition features, EatingWell is the award-winning Magazine of Food & Health. Readers find inspiration to shop smarter, cook lighter (and quicker) and dine better. Beautiful color images illustrate more than 50 never-fail, full-flavored recipes per issue for healthful everyday eating and entertaining.
Taste Of HomeAmerica’s #1 cooking magazine! Enjoy 100+ home-style recipes and tips, each a kitchen-tested family favorite made with everyday ingredients. Plus color photos of every recipe, cost-saving menus, healthy-choice dishes, casual entertaining ideas and more.

Karla Urwitz
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3 thoughts on “Dining Out Tips

  1. When I moved here from the Philippines, the fist time I ate in a restaurant I was really shocked with the serving size. That’s at least THREE times the serving size in the Philippines, not to mention the sides that come along with it. Way back there, you order everything separately, so if you want a salad, that’s extra. So people usually just order for the main dish to save.

    Anyway, the boxing thing is really smart. Most of the time, I’m already full from the appetizers so by the time the main dish arrives, I’ll only taste it and box it for my lunch the next day either at work or at home.

    Like you, me and my family loves to eat out during the weekends. And I’m not the type who counts calories so I watch my portions.

    Great tips you have there.
    .-= Young And Fabulous´s last blog ..Hot New Toys: My Flip MinoHD Camcorder =-.

  2. Wow, I hate to cook too. I don’t mind special occasion cooking. But that daily cooking is for the birds.

    I like to order a salad, and then order an appetizer as my dinner. It may not be low fat, but the portion size is smaller, and I still get to enjoy something really yummy.

    Not nachos, of course, but I love it if there is a crab cake appetizer!
    .-= Debbie Lattuga´s last blog ..Experience Your Good Now =-.

  3. I’ve noticed that it doesn’t take a whole lot to get me to gain a pound. So I always take something with me or have a plan B prepared for eating out. The waiters in the restaurant that I go to with my family every week already know that I order fruit or salad for lunch. Those are some great tips there.
    Blessings ?,
    .-= Eren Mckay´s last blog ..Sweet Poem for Mother’s Day =-.

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