
Wash That Frizz Out- Bioken Review and #Giveaway

Don't we all wish one time or another that we hate our hair? I just so happen to say that to myself everyday. I have natural curly hair and it's hassle sometime to maintain it. I keep it short for the fact I don't look like I have an afro going on.  Really you should see my high school pictures, what was my Mom thinking?!?

Anyway, Bioken sent me some Bioken Enfanti Frizz Free shampoo and conditioner.  Bioken offers a wide range of hair products for whatever hair type you might have. Bioken prides themselves on enhancing the powers of what is natural. All their products are all natural and help promote healthy hair and scalp. Check out their secret garden of what all natural goodness goes into their products.

My Review

With my frizz and the summer heat I was thrilled to get this chance to try a product that could help me look like I didn't stick my finger in a light socket. First off, this stuff smells wonderful.  To me it smelled like citrus. When I used it for the first time I didn't notice any really big difference in the frizz. I did think my hair was softer than it normally is so I knew it did something. After using it for a full week I noticed that after each use my frizz was less and less. Now with my type of hair I don't think there is a way to completely get rid of this frizz. Bioken did however reduce the amount of fizz I had and make it much easier to style and got rid of my light socket look. I would highly recommend giving this product of try if you are listed under the light socket hair style category.

I am also wanting to try their Tea Tree and Scalpi products. I get itchy scalp occasionally to the point of making it bleed so using a product like that can help.

The Giveaway

Bioken is giving one lucky reader their very one Enfanti Free shampoo and conditioner.  Ends 7/5/12 US Residents only. Good Luck ***Please remember to do the mandatory entry or all other entries will be voided. I will check this if you are selected so don't miss out***



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Karla Urwitz
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90 thoughts on “Wash That Frizz Out- Bioken Review and #Giveaway

  1. I learned about this giveaway via Giveaway Scoop.  I'd LOVE to try the Bioken to get de-frizzed!!  ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I found your craft corner through google on my phone and happened to click on your giveaways tab. So glad I did!

  3. I found out about this giveaway from the bloggiveaway website on blogspot. I hope I win!

  4. I found you on FB and then your blog and then the giveaways.
    jjsell76 at yahoo dot com

  5. I found your giveaway on Online Sweepstakes. I love trying new products like these.

  6. I found out by searching blog giveaways. My hair gets very frizzy and I would love to try this product to see if I get any better results. I am currently using Suave Professionals and although it makes my hair feel nice.. my hair still gets frizzy. 

  7. I found out about this giveaway from online-sweepstakes dot com.
    repose4jr at gmail dot com

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