Healthy Living

Taking The Effort Out Of Healthy Eating: Easy Ways To Improve Your Diet

It’s understandable to assume that healthy eating takes a lot of effort if you watch TV cooking shows or you read glossy magazines packed with complex recipes that are full of superfoods. While fans of cooking may wish to devote hours to creating delicious, nutritious meals, healthy eating doesn’t have to be a hassle. In this guide, we’ll share some easy ways to improve your diet. 

Add a side of fruit or vegetables

Increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables is a brilliant way to boost nutrition and improve your health. One of the simplest and most effective ways to hit daily targets is to add a side to every meal. You can add single pieces of fruit, such as a banana, peach or apple, make a vegetable-based side, or serve your main course with a salad or your dessert with fresh fruit. If you can get into the habit of adding fruit and vegetables to every dish, you’ll soon increase your intake and start to reap the rewards. Experiment with different flavors and try to eat a rainbow of foods. This will ensure you get a range of nutrients. 

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Look for quick and easy recipes

Most people don’t have hours to create culinary feasts at the end of the working day. The good news is that you don’t have to spend all your time in the kitchen to enjoy a healthy, balanced diet. There are hundreds of easy, quick recipes online that enable you to rustle up tasty, healthy dishes in less than an hour. From a simple, delicious creamy pesto pasta recipe to vibrant salads, meat and fish dishes and tray bakes, you can filter results based on the ingredients you want to use, your dietary requirements and the amount of time you have. 

Switch to whole grains

Whole-grain foods are high in fiber and low in sugar and saturated fat, and they also release energy slowly to prevent hunger. Switching to whole grains is a great way to improve nutrition with minimal effort. Next time you go to the grocery store, look out for whole-grain breakfast cereals, brown pasta and rice and wholemeal or granary bread. 

Try batch cooking

One of the main reasons many of us struggle to follow healthy eating plans is a lack of time. Batch cooking is a great way to save time and ensure you have a delicious, homemade meal every night. The idea is to cook large quantities that you can freeze. If you cook a curry, homemade soup or a casserole on a Sunday, for example, you can defrost individual portions later in the week. When you get home from work, all you have to do is heat your meal and enjoy it. Batch cooking will save you time and effort, and it’s also a fantastic way to save money. 

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Healthy eating doesn’t have to mean buying exotic, expensive ingredients or spending hours in the kitchen. If you’re looking for easy ways to improve and enhance your diet, add a side of fruit or vegetables to every meal and search online for quick and easy recipes. Switch to whole grains and try batch cooking to save time, effort and money. 

Karla Urwitz
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