
Rock ‘N Learn- Letter Sounds Review and #Giveaway

rock n learn dvdMy son is 4 1/2 but still a bit young yet to start school in the fall. So we are using this extra year to make sure that he learns what he can at daycare and home to prepare him for a successful school year. Rock N Learn is just what any house needs to help their kids learn.

Who Are They?

Rock 'N Learn brought together music and learning. Rock 'N Learn programs help students learn math, phonics, reading, early childhood, social studies, Spanish, test-taking strategies, writing, and science. Our DVDs incorporate music with exciting, colorful imagery. Rock 'N Learn has received several awards over the years and they keep on developing great programs for kids.

My Review

I was thrilled to receive the Letter Sounds DVD to review. Cooper knows his letter but he doesn't always know the sounds that are associated with them. This was great because they showed him, through music, what sounds go with the letters and had pictures associated with them. His favorite as VA VA VAN..

The only thing I thought could be improved was the speed of some of the songs. Cooper got a little frustrated because he was having trouble catching up. The more he watched the DVD over and over, he knew it by heart.

If you have a pre-schooler or even a child in elementary school that needs some help, please check out their selection. You won't be disappointed.

The Giveaway

Rock 'N Learn is giving one lucky reader the chance to enjoy their educational videos. You can select one DVD or CD of choice. US Residents only, ends 7/9/12. Good Luck. ***Please remember to do the mandatory entry or all others will NOT count. I will verify the winner chosen has done the requirement***

***Order now and dave 25% with coupon code JQ7711. That is a great deal***

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Karla Urwitz
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42 thoughts on “Rock ‘N Learn- Letter Sounds Review and #Giveaway

  1. Hi Karla!
    Found on you the Monday hop. Great review! Great products for teaching children. 
    Come check out our site too- 

  2. Found you on What a wonderful sweeps this is! ๐Ÿ™‚

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