Healthy Living

Quitting? Here’s How to Break Your Bad Habits

Bad habits are something we all have. They vary, though, and some are certainly worse than others; feeling inclined to take the lift rather than the stairs is not quite comparable with only drinking sodas throughout the day.

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Everything we indulge in will still get the same kind of response from our brain, however, and tends to require a bit of effort to change. It’s all about the pattern and what you’ve become used to, after all, so buckle up and get ready to start a new and healthier everyday life.

Here is a handful of ways to help you to turn a new leaf and find better, healthier habits that you can be proud of. As long as you have the will and are able to commit, it doesn’t have to be as hard as you might think.

Find support

Before you start on this journey, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that you will need your support network now more than ever. Having someone around who won’t judge you on your snappy days and who will help you to see the best in every situation is definitely going to make it a bit easier to push through with this.

Don’t hide away while quitting your bad habit or getting over your addiction, but get out there and seek support from your friends and family. You can start by having a look at this article on lung cancer treatment if you’re struggling with cancer and need a bit more help along the way.

Tell yourself a different story

When you’re trying to make your life into a happier and more positive place, it’s important to change the stories you’ve been telling yourself.

Sure, you know how important it is to love yourself and that you should treat yourself with the same kindness as you would with a dear friend. It is, of course, a lot easier said than done. Before you do anything, it’s a good idea to talk it out with a therapist and see if they have some professional advice to help you on your way.

Whenever you notice a negative thought about yourself, challenge it. Don’t just accept it and let it pass, but ask yourself why you think this – and change it to something positive. The same goes for when you’re telling yourself that by resisting temptation, you’ll just be in a bad mood; challenge the idea by telling your inner critic that you’ll just have to wait and see.

Support and kindness is, in general, the fastest route to being happy and leaving your bad habits behind. Remember to give yourself a break in all of this as well and particularly if you’re also struggling with an illness such as cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.

The road you map out for yourself now will, after all, take you on a new and exciting journey – and the more people you have around you for love and support, the better.

Karla Urwitz
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5 thoughts on “Quitting? Here’s How to Break Your Bad Habits

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