Healthy Living

March Forth

Did you know that March 4th is the only day of the year that instructs you to put one foot in front of the other? I love this day. So please pass on a Happy March 4th Thursday to some so they know that anything is possible on that day!

Well I beleive it’s time for my son to see the doctor about his sleeping issue. Friday night and last night we was up from 12-3. We can’t deal with this much longer. Oy! When he was a baby at least when he got up to feed he went back to sleep.

Weight wise I didn’t lose anything, in fact I gained but that was because of poor food choices this week. I really want to get to the gym but with Cooper being so hard to put to sleep and my lack of sleep I just can’t get up and go. Normally I go at 8:30 at night but when he goes to bed these days I am right behind him because I know we will be getting up.

Food wise this week I lacked at logging my food. So I will focus again on that. I also slacked at the veggie challenge. I only got about 4 a day in. Yikes..

Goals for this week:
*Log Food
*Try to make it to the gym if possible
*More fruits and veggies
*Continue to get water in

I hope everyone has a super Mamvation Monday and hope to see you online tonight!!

Karla Urwitz
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6 thoughts on “March Forth

  1. I am sorry your little one is not doing better. He can't sleep means you can't sleep which means you suffer. I can imagine not eating well and not working out are not the only parts of your life suffering as a result. Get your family healthy and rested… then all these fitness/health components in your life will be easier to orchestrate. Do what you can until then, drink water, make good food choices, move when you can. I hope next week is better.

  2. When you can't get sleep, nothing seems to fall into place. I've dealt with the same issue. I think it's smart that you go to sleep right after him – I frequently make the mistake of staying up a few hours after my kids, and that just does no good. Hopefully he will get into a better pattern soon, and then you can follow suit. Good luck to you both this week.

  3. oh sleep deprivation is so tough…We went through some because of my daughters disability…it takes so much out of you! Lots of luck!

  4. I think for you going to the gym is not really a viable option. Maybe you should find some DVDs you like OR check out exercises you can do every with the things you already do. Check out @squeezeitin ..They also have an iPhone app with exercises you do with vacuuming, laundry, dishes, etc. No joke. So don't get down on yourself, instead equip yourself with things you CAN do. Let's focus on CAN. Small things. XXOO

  5. hope you have a better week. Hope that your son does better. My lil one doesn't want to sleep well either lol, but he's only 4 months too

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