Healthy Living

Oblo Puzzle Sphere Review

obloI am always looking for things Cooper can do to keep himself busy and away from electronics.  Well did I sign him up for a challenge! I was thrilled to get the chance to review the Oblo Puzzle sphere.  This is a great creative tool to make them think ahead.


The OBLO is both a tactile and mental toy. As children construct and deconstruct its parts, the OBLO develops motor skills and hand-eye coordination as well as engaging children’s curiousity. As they use both of their hands to manipulate the OBLO, it is also a great preparation for learning to write and draw.

Marko Pavlovic was born in 1981 in Zagreb, Croatia. Marko graduated from the University of Zagreb in the Faculty of Architecture, School of Design. Marko graduated with highest marks as a product designer and is currently working as an industrial designer for a variety of industries. Marko’s OBLO design has been recognized by several international design juries, one of which honored him with the most prestiguous IDEA Award from the Industrial Designers Society of America.

My Review

Okay I am just going to say it… This little sphere is challenging for the big kids too. Cooper was all excited to get this because it was something new to play with but I was excited because I was so intrigued by how this sphere had so many layers inside itself. I was able to get all the parts out and then I was stumped. I thought to myself how in the world can a 5 year old do this when I can’t even figure it out.

After playing with it for a few minutes it hits me how it is put together and once I figured that out it was  breeze. I of course didn’t share my wise information with Cooper because I wanted him to use that brilliant mind of his to figure it out.

I still don’t think he has it all figured out yet which I love. It’s a toy that can last forever! I also make a great conversation when you entertain! My family can’t figure it out!

Obolo  would make a great addition to any birthday package or Easter basket!


Karla Urwitz
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