
Make Your Own Play Doh

The benefits of play dough are enormous.

Not only does it give children a chance to get creative. It’s a great way for children to have lots of fun. It also can be a way for children to release stress.


Its also a great way to help children to develop small motor skills such as hand, finger muscles. Textured dough also helps children to explore different sensations.

To make textured play dough you will need to first make a batch of play dough. Once this has been made you will then need to divide the mixture into smaller lots.

No Cook play Dough


2 Cups plain flour
1 cup salt
1 tablespoon cooking oil
1 cup cold water
2 drops food colouring


1. Combine plain flour and salt
2. Add water, food colouring and oil. Mix until ingredients are combined.
3. Knead well
4. If consistency is too wet add a little more plain flour.

Textured Dough.

You will need a small amount of each of the following.

Split peas

You will need to add a small amount of one of the above to one of your small dough batches.

So you could put sand in one, rice in an other and so on. Or you could put a couple of the textured ingredients in together. I found that by putting in only one texture ingredient to one small amount of dough that my little boy was able to pick a favourite. For him it was the play dough with the added sand.

Here is a great summertime toy to go along with the play doh

Karla Urwitz
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7 thoughts on “Make Your Own Play Doh

  1. Karla,
    I wish our kids were still young enough to get excited over play dough.
    This must be a big hit with your son Cooper. Making it and playing with it must be equally fun for him. Hmmmm.. peas in play dough, that’s better than eating them in my book.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Dawn and Dave
    Dave and Dawn Cook´s last blog post ..If You Aren’t Good at Selling- You Can Succeed!

  2. Making your own play dough is a great idea because it’s non toxic. I think that making play dough is great not just for kids but for adults too. It’s healing to squeeze and create things with it. Love it! Great post.
    All the best,
    Eren Mckay´s last blog post ..Monkey Theme Baby Shower

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