learn about bullies

Howard B Wigglebottom Book Review #Giveaway

learn about bulliesWant to know what we are chanting in the Bond household? Be brave, be bold, a teacher must be told!! That is the message from the latest Howard B Winterbottom book we are reading. In this book Howard learns about bullies and what he should do if he runs into one. I encourage every parent to visit We Do Listen and check out their online animated books, print outs, and games that are not only fun but educational.

My Review

I am so thrilled to be reviewer for Howard B Wigglebottom books. I think these books are just want every parent needs for their kids. To this day my son still remembers the first Howard book we got, Too Much of A Good Thing is  Bad, and I can remind him of that and he tells me what happened to Howard. Just like in this book,, Howard Lears About Bullies.  Through this book Cooper knows a the correct way to handle a bully. This book certainly didn't miss the mark it's another great book in our collection.

I hear that Howard B Wigglebottom will soon learn about courage so keep an eye out for that book.

The Giveaway

One lucky reader will get to choose a Howard B Wigglebottom book of their choice. Really you don't want to miss out on this one. Ends 6/7 US and Canadian Residents only. Good Luck! ***Mandatory entry must be done or all other entries will be voided. It will be verified so please don't miss out like other have***


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Karla Urwitz
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13 thoughts on “Howard B Wigglebottom Book Review #Giveaway

  1. Pingback: Giveaway Promote | Howard B. Wigglebottom Book Giveaway | Find and list giveaways and giveaway events.
  2. I'd love to win Howard B Widdlebottom Learns To Listen Book! Thanks for the giveaway! 

  3. I found your blog by google, I was searching Tropical Traditions and it came up with your blog, as I looked around I found this awesome giveaway:) Thanks!

  4. I would get Howard B. Wigglebottom Blends in Like Chameleons: A Fable About Belonging.

  5. I found this giveaway from reading a post that was sent via email and then looking around your site.

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