Healthy Living

Healthy Living Monday

Thanks to the Mamavation Sistah’s for stopping by. This is going to be a short post. I hate repeating myself week after week so I am not going to now. I feel like a broken record. So let’s just say the scale jumped, more like a huge leap, forward and I am very disappointed in myself. I seem to be all talk and no action.

My goal this week:

Do something ANYTHING

I need to you know what or get off the pot as they say.  I have lots of stress going on which isn’t help in the slightest.  I need a vacation in a BIG way oh and a new job.

I am excited to see how Kim and Rachel have done I know they have worked so hard. Congrats ladies.

I have never tried Allwhites before. I normally get Egg Beater so I look forward to possible trying them.

Look forward to seeing everyone tonight.

Karla Urwitz
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5 thoughts on “Healthy Living Monday

  1. Karla, don’t bring yourself down. That’s our job! haha. Accountability is half the battle. You’ve admitted to us that you’re struggling, and we’re here to help you. How can we help? I am supporting you and cheering you on. 1 small change this week. Focus on that. xoxox

  2. What is going on? Anything I can help u with?
    .-= Leah @bookieboo´s last blog ..Greening the 4th Mamavation Campaign =-.

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