gnomeo and juliet movie

Gnomeo and Juliet Review from Mommy Bear Media

gnomeo and juliet movieWhen I find a good kid friendly movie for my son, I grip on to it for dear life. Sometimes it seems so hard to find. We first saw Gnomeo and Juliet on TV but I don't think Cooper got much out of it with commercials. So I had the chance to review this movie for Mommy Bear Media.

Mommy Bear Media is a small family oriented company the brings good clean high quality movies. All of their movies are for ages 14 or below. You won't find anything R, NC-17, or TV-MA on their site. This is your one stop shop for family movie night.

My Review

I was thrilled to get the chance to work with Mommy Bear Media. I choose Gnomeo and Juliet because my son had seen part of it on TV and wanted to watch it again. Like I said, when I find a good family movie I don't let it go. This was a nice addition to our movie collection. He was so excited when I opened up the package and told him it was for him. Of course he had to immediately go put it in and start watching it. This movie will be one that is watched over and over in my house. I think my son has watched it at least 5 times.

I just love Mommy Bear Media because it's one place I know I can come to find good up to date movies for my son. I have confidence that anything I pick out will be appropriate for him and nothing with too much violence. I love their selection of sale movies below $6.96 movies which include The Bee Movie, Veggie Tales, and Scooby-Do. This is a site you MUST bookmark.




Karla Urwitz
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