Healthy Living

Father’s Day Gift Idea- Hollow Book Review

Let's admit it ladies, our guys are hard to buy for. When my Dad was living I never knew what to get him. He had pretty much everything he wanted. Same goes now with my husband. What in the world to get him.

Sure I could go the usual route of "here is some money get what you want" but wouldn't it be neat to have something different? Hollow Book Co is just that. It's unique yet perfect. They make hidden compartments is these wonderful old book that look natural on any book shelf. The best park of Hallow Book Co is that the are handmade. Richie is the Etsy store owner at Hollow Books Co. He has some pretty unique shapes he can make inside each book. I was thrilled to get one of these fabulous books to review


My Review

Wow I was really shocked when I opened up this book. I didn't know what to expect at first. Most think they are going to get a cheap book that has been cut into. I got a really nice old looking Leonardo Da Vinci book. With it sitting on a shelf it blends naturally with my other old books. It looks like it was a well used book. When you open it up it's hallowed out with the picture of Mona Lisa. The hole is a really good size too. I bet 2 cell phones and maybe an iPod would fit in this. Great hiding sport if you have money in your house.

The edges are glued really strong so you don't have lose pages but I love I can tell it's really a book and I can fan the pages to see the words. It really is a fantastic book. I think any man would love it. After all they get to hid stuff from us!

So ladies hop on over to the Hollow Book Co Etsy store and check out their variety. Make sure to tell him I sent you. 

Karla Urwitz
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2 thoughts on “Father’s Day Gift Idea- Hollow Book Review

  1. If you like books with more of a handmade feels and awesome variety you should check out  They make multi book cases, gun cases, and will custom makes book that you send them too.  They also have the biggest hollow book in the world.  Just sayin.  Not to mention that they give away a totally free one every month.  

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