Healthy Living

Eco-Friendly Decorating Tips

Caring about the environment is no longer something that is reserved for “tree huggers”.

Today, conservation is something that everyone should be aware of. Conserving the earth’s precious resources is beneficial to the planet, and to our wallets too. These eco-friendly decorating tips will give you some ideas to help you to re-vamp your home without excessive waste.

  1. Use natural resources: Avoid
    plastics and other synthetic materials wherever possible. It’s better to use oak doors and other hardwearing natural materials. Try to source your fittings and fixtures from companies that use sustainable resources. For example, look for internal oak doors that bear the FSC logo – this indicates that they were made of wood sourced from sustainable forests.
  2. Try Second Hand: Antique furniture and second hand decorations can add a touch of class and authenticity to period designed rooms.
  3. Wants vs Needs: Frugal living doesn’t have to be boring. Once you get used to thinking in terms of wants versus needs you may find you enjoy a clutter-free living environment, and you’ll have more money to spend on leisure too, since you’re spending less on “stuff”.
  4. Repaint for a fresh look: You can get a lot of mileage out of paint. If you pick the right colours you can revitalize your existing oak doors and kitchen counter tops. Dark colours applied to internal oak doors can make them look heavier and more luxurious, or you can apply light colours or varnish to those same oak doors to achieve a bright and airy appearance. Try to look for environmentally friendly paints, and make sure you dispose of any unwanted paint carefully.
  5. Repair what you can: Why replace entire fixtures and fittings if they simply look a little shabby. Chipped shower tubs can be repaired, scratched bath tubs resurfaced, and leaky taps can have their washers replaced.

Green living involves careful shopping, but you’d be surprised at some of the shops that offer green products these days.

If you’re buying furniture within the UK, then most internal oak doors that you can find will qualify as “green”. Wooden products, such as oak doors, and even easy-assemble book cases from Ikea are increasingly being sourced from sustainable forests.

The problem comes when you source cheap products from abroad.

Some foreign companies may sell cheap internal oak doors that are sourced from rainforests that are being stripped at an alarming rate. When you consider that some estimates indicate more than one hundred species vanish from the planet each day because of deforestation – is it worth saving a few pounds on oak doors if that is the price?

If you hire a decorator to do your work for you, look for one that promotes green values.

A green decorator will use environmentally friendly paints and chemicals, and source wooden products such as internal oak doors from sustainable forests. They will also be able to advise you on ways that you could make your home more energy efficient, such as double glazing, or the installation of energy efficient appliances.

This post was written by Amy Fowler for UK Oak Doors. Amy cares about her impact on the environment and is currently making over her home in an eco-friendly way.

Karla Urwitz
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