
Earth Divas Review and #Giveway

You know when I get the chance to review a new bag or purse I am all over it! I just weeded through my purse collection and donated some as I don't use them anymore or they are way too big for my need. It's hard to find the right size purse but hey if I have to try everyone one out there I will sacrifice my time. HA

Who Are They?

Earth Divas if all about fair trade. Their goal is to produces good quality products at an affordable price. They best part is they give profits back to the artist that create the product. This is why we they launched the Divas4Divas campaign and are currently setting up a school that will teach and pay women to become tailors. This will help women to earn five times more than their current wagers. While tailoring has often only been a skill reserved for men, we are working to change this!

My review

I have entered into purse heaven. This purse has got to be the perfect size for me. It's roomy yet not drowing in extra room. This is my first hemp items I have even gotten. It really reminds me a potato sack material. LOL  I love that I am enjoying a hand crafted item.  This bag is fun and functional and great for summer. All of Earth Diva's prodcuts are affordable and your money is going straight to the artist that created it. How excellent is that?

The Giveaway

Earth Divas is giving one lucky ready any item of their choice up to $30.  This giveaway ends 6/28. Good Luck. ***Mandatory entry must be done or all other entries will be voided. I will verify if the entry is completed if you are selected***

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Karla Urwitz
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46 thoughts on “Earth Divas Review and #Giveway

  1. Pingback: Giveaway Promote | Earth Diva Product of Choice Giveaway | Find and list giveaways and giveaway events.
  2. I learned about this through Giveaway Promote! Thanks for having this giveaway

  3. I just found Giveaway Scoop and it led me to find out about you and this giveaway.
    jjsell76 at yahoo dot com

  4. I am not sure where I found your giveaway. I followed a link posted on facebook which I found the giveaway on.

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