Healthy Living

Different Ways To Support Elderly Relatives

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Nobody wants to face the fact that their parents or close relatives are getting older and that perhaps one day they may not be able to care for themselves and be independent like they were before. However, as much as we can try to avoid dealing with this, it’s not something that’s going to go away, so it would be better for all involved if we just accepted it as part of life and embraced this new change and learned how to make the most of it, so in this post we’re going to share with you the different ways that you can support your elderly relatives in the ways that really count for them.

Spend time with them:

The funny thing about our society today is that so many of us are busy trying to make life easier through technology so that we can have more time to live – yet, we’re wasting more time than ever and aren’t actually living at all. If we look at our elderly relatives, they spent a lot more time living than we ever did and even though they may have enjoyed more simple lives and activities, they truly got to live in the moment a lot more than we do, so you’ll find that they’ll be far more appreciative if you just make an effort to spend some genuine quality time with them, because one thing we start to realize as we get older is that time is our greatest, yet most limited resource and the one we use as though we have an endless source of it.

Talk to them about their past:

If you’ve ever spent any amount of time around an elderly person, you’ve probably, like most of us have at somepoint rolled your eyes as they seem to go on about the past, but what we have to remember is that history can serve as our biggest lesson for the present and the future, and who better to learn from than those who lived it? Taking time to speak to your elderly relatives and really get to know that part of them – for example, their childhood, their adult life, what dating was like in their day could be one of the greatest gifts you ever give yourself and them.

Offer your practical help:

Practical help is always going to be appreciated – especially by elderly relatives who may struggle to manage some things on their own, so whether it’s helping them to get their mail opened and dealt with, help with getting groceries, cooking, or even booking and attending things like doctors appointments or getting new hearing aids fitted, if these are things you think would be helpful, then don’t hesitate to offer your support here because it will always be appreciated.

Let them know they’re not alone:

Nobody wants to feel like they’re all alone in this world, and sometimes all it takes is just knowing that they’re not, so make sure you take that time to let your elderly relative know that you’re here for them and they don’t have to feel like they don’t have anyone to count on for support.

Karla Urwitz
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