childrens book, howard b wigglebottom

Howard B Wigglebottom: Christmas Story Review and #Giveaway

childrens book, howard b wigglebottomIf you have read my site before then you know how much I love We Do Listen and all of the Howard B Wigglebottom books. They are not only fun to read but teach a very good lesson in each book. To this day Cooper can relate back to the books when one of those lessons come up.

About We Do Listen

We Do Listen Foundation brings the ability to enable children to enjoy inner peace and communicate in a more effective way. They are a Non-Profit organization that produce educational books and materials that help kids learn to listen, have self confidence and deal with bullies and violence. Most at the We Do Listen Foundation are volunteers and share their ideas on a more peaceful and harmony filled world.

My Review

Again you can't go wrong with this book or any of their books. The Christmas Story is all about giving and not receiving. At first Howard was all about himself and what he got but quickly learned that some go without and that it's better to give than receive.

This is a great lesson for Cooper. At the age of 5 he is all about me and what did you get me. We have used this story many time since reading it. Like when he doesn't eat his dinner. I simply remind him of the book and how some don't have anything and he should be thankful for what he does have. This is a very powerful lesson and one we need to keep reminding not only our kids about but ourselves.

Do you do something special during the holidays that would be the gift of giving?

The Giveaway

We Do Listen is giving one lucky reader the chance to teach their child this very important lesson this holiday season. Don't worry if you already have this one you can choose a book of your choice. US Residents only. Ends 11/20. Good Luck

If you don't win please check out Shop With Karla on how you can get your Howard books.

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Karla Urwitz
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