
12 Days of #Giveaways- Day Eleven- Messages From Heaven

cssheavenThis time of year really makes us miss our loved one. With the tragedy in Newtown, CT it has to be especially hard for those families.  I am one that believe that our loved ones can talk to use and gives us signs they are around us. This book will give you some inspirational stories of amazing connections and love that doesn’t die.

Day Eleven- Chicken Soup book Messages From Heaven

When our loved ones leave this world, our connection with them does not end. Death takes away their physical presence, but not their spirits, and we often sense them after they have gone. Sometimes when we see or hear from them, they give us signs and messages. Sometimes they speak to us in dreams or they appear in different forms. The stories in this book, both religious and secular, will amaze you, giving you new knowledge, insight and awareness about the connection and communication we have with those who have passed on or those who have experienced dying and coming back.

The Giveaway

US and Canadian residents may enter. Ends 1/7  Good Luck

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Karla Urwitz
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44 thoughts on “12 Days of #Giveaways- Day Eleven- Messages From Heaven

  1. Found through

    I often watch stories like in this book. It is something I enjoy because it helps with such horrible events. Good luck everyone!

  2. Came across the giveaway via and could not resist the opportunity for the chance at one of the ‘Chicken Soup For The Soul’ series.

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