
Marlow and the Monster Book Review and #Giveaway

We love books. Finding new books at bedtime is excited. Not only for Cooper but for us as well because we get tired of reading the same one over and over. This new book find, Marlow and the Monster, is a fantastic addition to our already great collection.

About the Book

Written by Sharon Cramer, this wonderful illistration books is about a monter in Marlow's room. He isn't that fond of the monster and tries and tries to get others to see him and chase him away. No such luck.  Marlow was never scared of the monster he just wanted him gone! His parents just wanted him to act good just like his litter sister. It seems his little sister might be the answer he is looking for.

I won't give away the book too much becasue well, you just have to read it for yourself!

Thanks to the people at PR by The Book, I received a copy for review.

My Review

Cooper loved this book as he does with all his new books he gets. We have read this at least 20 times since we got it. I wasn't sure how he would act with a monster in the book but it's so well written to NOT make the kids scared. More like embrase the monsters they might face. I loved that the book was in black and white but the monster were these bright bold colors. I think that the bold colors kept Cooper's attention.

This is an awesome book to add to your collection. If you are looking for a new one to read at night, this would be it.

The Giveaway

PR by The Book would also like one reader to receive a copy. Ends 8/30. US Residents only. *Please make sure the mandatory entry is actually completed. I will verify the winner's entries are actually done and not just marked complete*


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Karla Urwitz
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