Healthy Living

How to Find the Right Lawyer for you

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Understanding the law can be a complex process. Something that was simple a couple of years ago could now have a whole load of added complications due to changes in guidelines. When you find yourself facing a legal issue, it is important to get the right representation for you. 

Finding a good lawyer is just like finding any other good or service. It requires knowing exactly what you want and conducting research in that area to make sure you get exactly that. 

Here are some tips on finding the right lawyer for you. 

  1. Know what you’re looking for

Lawyers will tend to have their own areas of expertise. Whether that is immigration, family law, divorce settlements or personal injury attorneys committed to your success, it is important to make sure that you decide on a lawyer who can help you to achieve the results you are looking for.

In order to get the best results for your legal issues, make sure to use a specialist in that field.

  1. Ask Around 

Ask family, friends and other associates for recommendations for the best lawyers. Lawyers that you know are a good place to start because even if they don’t offer the sort of legal support that you need, lawyers know other lawyers and may be able to point you in the right direction. More importantly, they will be able to recommend the most reputable lawyers in your area. 

  1. Make your shortlist and ask questions. 

Don’t just go to the first lawyer you find or are recommended. Compile a list of several attorneys who can assist you with what you need. Go to them ready with some specific questions you will use to form your decisions.

Example questions could be: 

  1. Who will I be working with? 
  • The person you are sitting across from at the time may not be the person dealing with your matters. Make sure to establish exactly who will be working with you. 
  1. What credentials do you have? 
  • Each Lawyer will have the correct qualifications to practice law, but it’s also good to know if they have any additional certifications that enable them to advise on other areas. 
  1. What experience do you have in working with clients like me in similar situations? 
  • This then introduces the conversation of how the issues were dealt with and the success rate of the cases they have worked on- giving you a better idea of their skill and experience before hiring them. 
  1. How do you expect to be paid? 
  • Fixed fee or hourly rate can make all the difference in the bill at the end of the day 
  1. Is there anything you’d like to ask me?
  • A good Lawyer will be focused on your situation and want to start asking the right questions right away. 

Based on the satisfaction of the answers you get to these questions, this should aid your decision making process in getting you the right legal support when you need it. 

You will want to work with somebody you feel comfortable to trust with your legal matters- don’t discount the importance of chemistry and liking somebody’s personality. After all, they’re going to be helping you through some of the most trying times of your life. 

Karla Urwitz
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