Helping Your Elderly Friends and Relatives Stay Independent
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As you get older, staying as independent as possible can become your main concern. No one likes the thought of being reliant on others, whether it’s family and friends or outside caregivers. However, everyone can require at least a little help as they age, and sometimes accepting that help is what can help people to stay independent for longer. If you have elderly relatives, friends or neighbors who could benefit from some assistance, you can lend a hand in a few different ways. Keep reading to find out how you can offer your support to older people and help them to maintain their independence.
Help with Care
You might think that being cared for is the opposite of independence, but having some extra care can actually help people to stay independent for longer. When you use a site like to find the right care for a friend, relative or neighbor, you can improve their quality of life. Instead of being stuck at home, unable to do anything or having to go into a residential home, people can have the benefit of a little bit of help that enables them to do more. It can allow someone to stay in their own home for longer, combat loneliness, and remain connected to the community.
Assist with Getting Out and About
Older people often end up feeling lonely and bored because they’re stuck at home. They may be unable to drive or get out on their own, which can mean that they’re very limited in where they can go and what they can do. However, you can help elderly friends and relatives to get out and about so they can maintain a social life and stay active. You might help by offering them a ride somewhere, taking them to appointments, or going on outings together.
Give Technology Tutorials
When you’re a younger family member or friend, you can often become the go-to person for technology troubles. While it can be a little irritating, helping people out can enable them to stay connected to their friends and family, and to the wider world. Technology can also help to keep them safe. If you’re not up to showing someone how to do something technical, you can find other ways for them to learn. Libraries and other services sometimes offer workshops that teach older people how to use computers and other gadgets so that you don’t have to.
Help with Adapting Their Home
Most people want to stay in their own home for as long as possible. One way to help them do that is to assist with adapting their home. Making their home more accessible means that they can get around on their own or without less help. It might include things like installing grab bars in the bathroom or putting in a walk-in bath. It could also mean adding a personal alarm or getting some new chairs that are easier to get in and out of.
You can help elderly friends and relatives to stay independent by providing assistance in a few different ways.
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