Healthy Living

Help Momma Bond Win

I need all your help! I am in the running to win a Smooth Fitness treadmill. How exciting. All I need you to do is go to the below link and vote for @karlabond. Vote for me please!

This treadmill is tricked out and Smooth Fitness rocks and has been sponsoring the Mamavation campaign. They believe in us.  So I would appreciate it if I could have your vote. Hey if you live by me and vote I will let you come use it!

I am upping the incentive. Anyone who sends me a video of them voting for me is entered to win a Hydracoach. Oh yeah I mean business now.

You can vote daily and from any computer so if you are like me and have 5 that could be 5 votes for me.. Wait am I the only one with 5 computers?!? Anyway, I would love you forever.

Karla Urwitz
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