Healthy Living

Happy Healthy Monday

OMGoodness what a week it has been. Sickness has struck our house. 2 weeks ago it started with little Cooper and moved onto Hubby. I started taking stuff to prevent me from getting it but no such luck. Thursday I got it bad and went to the Dr. He gave me nada for it. WHen I woke up Friday I could barely move and my throat glands were so huge my face looked swollen. I slept all of Friday and thank God for Momma she took Cooper for the night so hubby and I could get so much needed sleep. I feel better today but still stuffed up.

Weight wise in the past 2 weeks I have somehow lost 10lbs. Must be all that soup I ate. That is about the only upside to getting sick.  So with being sick I didn’t get much accomplished around the house. I barely got laundry done. We did go Sat and got a new light, sink with cabinet, and wall cabinet for the bathroom. I hope to get that installed next weekend. The guys come next Monday to start work on the basement and we get the new carpet in the living room.  2 week to go and I can get my house on the market and look at the one I want.

Well I need to get to work. Hope you all have a super day!

Here is something for the Irish! Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Irish Crème Brûlée

Estimated Times

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 1 hr 16 mins
Cooling Time: 3 hrs 30 mins refrigerating

Servings: 5


1 cup Irish Crème Flavor NESTLÉ COFFEE-MATE Liquid Coffee Creamer
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 pinch salt
5 large egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 tablespoons light brown sugar


PREHEAT oven to 350° F.

PLACE Coffee-mate, cream, granulated sugar and salt in medium saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 4 to 5 minutes or until sugar is dissolved. Beat egg yolks in medium bowl; gradually whisk cream mixture into egg yolks. Stir in vanilla extract.

POUR mixture into five 6-ounce custard cups. Place cups in 13 x 9-inch baking pan; fill pan with hot water to 1-inch depth. Loosely cover with foil.

BAKE for 70 minutes or until gently set in center. Remove to wire rack to cool slightly. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight.

PREHEAT broiler. Sprinkle each crème brûlée evenly with brown sugar. Broil for 2 minutes or until sugar is melted and carmelized. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until topping hardens.

Karla Urwitz
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8 thoughts on “Happy Healthy Monday

  1. Way to go with the 10lb weightloss the past 2 weeks, karla!! HUGS I am sorry you were feeling under the weather… but glad to read that you are on the mend. Have a great week!
    @RunningRachel´s last blog post ..The Wagon

  2. Congrats on the weight loss. I think it gets a lot easier when you start seeing results. Keep up the good work!

  3. So glad to hear you are on the mend! Glad to hear about the loss, but not that you were sick 🙂 SUPER big hugs!!!
    Shelley (@momma_oz)´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday

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