
Fiber One Cereal Review and #Giveaway

A quick healthy breakfast is must for my house. We love our sleep so getting up early and making a big breakfast just isn't for us. The awesome people over at My Blog Spark allowed me and my family to try Fiber One Nutty Cluster & Almond cereal.

Fiber One has many different products all aimed to be good for you. From cereal bars to cottage cheese they offer such a variety of products. I have tried at least 90% of their products and they have not disappointed. If your looking for a good for you yummy cookie try their chocolate peanut butter haystacks. You can't eat just one-two-or three.

My Review

I am not a huge cereal eater because for some reason after I eat it I seem to be even more hungry then I was. We were thrilled that My Blog Spark and Fiber One allowed us to try this cereal. We received:

  • Two boxes of Fiber One Nutty Clusters & Almonds cereal
  • "nut" bowl with spoon

The cereal was way good. Lots of nutty flavor and it didn't go soggy in milk. It looks really cool in the nut wooden bowl that came with it. Although it didn't stick with me very long, my husband and son really enjoyed it too. As a matter of fact, I only got 2 bowls out of the 2 boxes. Hubby and Son hogged it all. It was nice to find a healthy cereal that my 5 year old will eat. I try not to buy those cereals that are loaded with sugar because it effects his moods so bad. If I could give this a 4 thumbs up I would. Well I guess I could if I took off my socks! Consider it done!

Go grab yourself a coupon for $1.25 off a box. That is a good savings to have.

The Giveaway

My Blog Spark and Fiber One is giving one lucky reader the same prize pack to enjoy. US Residents only. Ends 9/11. God Luck.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Karla Urwitz
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53 thoughts on “Fiber One Cereal Review and #Giveaway

  1. Just by browsing thru your blog. I have tried Fiber One before and it gave me horrible stomach cramps and gas… I am willing to give them another chance but only if I win some of their products….I am not risking wasting my monwy again 🙁

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