Healthy Living

Empowering Ourselves With Our Choices

Guest Post by Cherrie Bautista

A lot of people are faced with the belief that we have limited choices in all areas of our lives. We feel, that most of the time, we are forced to do something we don’t want to, and so, we either take action, in which case we would be dragging our feet to accomplish it, or just push back and let it go by.Empowerment

One self improvement advice that my mom used to tell me is that whenever I make my own choices, always choose whatever it is that I feel right for me, because if I don’t, I won’t give it my best, and chances are, it won’t likely succeed. What I’ve discovered, as I was growing up, is that choosing what I feel is right for me, isn’t always easy. There are times when I had to settle for something other than what I really wanted out of fear. This, I believe, is what most of us have in common.

What I’ve learned from growth coaching is that we can basically respond to these situations in five different ways.

When you say “I won’t” do it, you are coming from the lowest level of catabolic energy where you believe you are powerless over anything. Life happens to you (instead of the other way around) no matter what your choice is or how you want it to be different. You just wait for things to happen because you believe there is nothing in it for you, and even if there is, you still believe you’re not going to succeed, so why bother?

Saying “I have to” means you don’t have a choice. Either you do it or something horrible will happen so you are forced to do it.

“I need to” comes from a more powerful place in you since you’re now trying to seek opportunities in the challenges presented. This brings more chance of success although you still feel you are being limited and forced.

The three responses discussed above are what you call catabolic responses and are self-defeating in nature. Even though you are choosing to take action, at your very core, you chose not to do it, or not do it well, so you are bringing catabolic (or negative) energy to it which might contribute to its failure.

Saying “I want to”, although considered to be an anabolic or positive response, indicates you are mostly at choice, but still comes from a place of lack.

“I choose to” is the most powerful response of all. It acknowledges the fact that you have complete power over your choices because it shows connection between who you are — at your very core, and what you do.

As what any leadership coaching program would advise, when making choices, always come from a place of choosing to experience rather than filling a need. I know it’s not always easy, but you can choose to try it! So now, “how do you choose to do it”?

Avatar ImageCherrie D. Bautista, CEC, is Certified Empowerment Coach who is passionate about helping people transform into their most powerful potential and be their best. She offers growth coaching to people who want to overhaul their lives, reconnect with themselves, discover their passion and purpose so that they start living powerful, abundant, happier, and healthier lives. Her remarkable leadership coaching program include a 3 day life potentials training, or a self-study law of being program that gets you starting on a new way of conscious living

Karla Urwitz
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