
Get Crafty – UpCycled Dog Leash

February is Pet Owner’s Month and this is a great way to go green with your pet.

We love our dogs. They are our little furry family members. It’s time they felt the crafty goodness we usually bestow on our decor.


That pile of old boyfriend’s t-shirts cut up into strips (how satisfying!) can be easily transformed into a fashionable dog leash that will leave the other pups pouting.

Here’s the how-to:

  • Gather up the old clothes, rags, etc., and cut them into strips that are about 2.5 inches wide and about 12 inches long.
  •  Taking 3 strands, make a knot about 2 inches from the end.
  •  Make another knot about 10 inches from your first knot.
  •  Fold the section between your two knots in half. Braid. You’ll want to add the tails left from your first knot into the braid at the beginning so that they don’t stick out.
  •  Add in new strips of fabric as strands are running out. Trim down ends afterward, or keep for a shabby-chic look.Once the leash reaches a comfortable length, tie off the end with a hair band – leaving about 10 inches of excess unbraided fabric at the end.Feed the unbraided strips through the end of a Swivel Eye Bolt Snap Hook (you can get this type of snap at a home hardware retailer).
  •  Trim excess fabric from the end.



Fini, Puppy! All the other dogs will be asking your pup, in secret doggie language, where on Earth they found such a great accessory.

This pet-friendly guest post was contributed by Free People, a bohemian clothing store for women. 


Karla Urwitz
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4 thoughts on “Get Crafty – UpCycled Dog Leash

  1. This is a great idea to use up old t-shirts and make a dog leash for my sons new dog. Each one will be unique as the colors and patterns will always be different . This is a idea I never would have thought of and I am one to try to figure out a use for something before I throw it out

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